Beautiful walk by the lake. Almost hot...dressed to warm. But as cold as it has been I wasn't ready for a nice day. Lots had the same many people out and about today. Can't blame them though....everybody has to have a case of cabin fever.
Gonna sit down and watch a basket ball game at 2. Kansas is playing.....about the only thing from Kans-ass I follow anymore. Off to a good start....Colo St beat Wyo last night. Big rivalry around here.
My last round of clones yielded 12 out of 15. Not as good as GMO but better that I have been doing lately. I have another batch going right now. I have friends in the mountains that I always supply clones to this time of year. Give them to them in March so they are knee high by the time it is warm enough to put in an outside greenhouse by June.
Growing marijuana at 9, 500 ft can't be easy but they always get a fair harvest. Plus it keeps me connected up there if you know what I mean.
Out to dinner tonight and back home for a movie with Mrs Pute......chick flick....great! I will just get stoned and humor her.