Fking stoner.
Man who goes to sleep with an itchy butt wakes up with stinky fingersWas it the Mexican Philosopher Manual Labor that coined the phrase: "Hombre que se va a dormir con comezón en el trasero se despierta con dedos apestosos"?
I thought that was Hippies' quoteMan who goes to sleep with an itchy butt wakes up with stinky fingers
That, and the daily headline will be, "Oat bran; The Silent Killer."
OK who else put their fingers in live light sockets to see if could kill you?I
Absolutely the truth. Laughing my a s s off. Hippie, is a dirty old man with lots of life's experiences and it shows.....
Hombre que se va a dormir con comezón en el trasero se despierta con dedos apestosos"?