I ain't that old... Lemme tellya about Tom A. Newton. AKA: Tough-Ass Newton:
He was my Top Sergeant, and
he was on his second enlistment when I was born (1940). <-- TINS
His serial number had seven digits.
He was terrifying. He had tusks. A vignette from the Olden Days:
An Army Ranger, a Recon Marine, a Navy SEAL, and Tough-Ass Newton were sitting around a camp fire. The Army Ranger, bragging about his exploits says "You guys aren't so tough, I once parachuted down, marched fifty miles, and killed everyone in sight."
The Recon Marine is unimpressed, and says, "That's nothing, I once made a beach landing, marched 60 miles, and killed everyone in sight."
The SEAL is unimpressed, he says "That's nothing, I once swam 10 miles to shore, marched 70 miles, and killed everyone in sight with my bare hands."
They all look over at Tough-Ass Newton, and he's dead silent, just stirring the coals of the fire with his d.ick.