So we have not been satisfied with the doc we chose as our primary physician mostly because we have to pry conversation about our drugs and he doesn’t seem to be in touch with our “specific” needs. Aside from being also a total dork, Last year I questioned if I really needed to be taking all the prescriptions I was on. I also questioned really needing HBP meds as I monitored my BP for thirty days morning and night and it was always low and sometimes really low. He didn’t even look at my pressure readings I had been taking and discounted my drug questions. Again no conversation from him at all. So for the next 6 months worked my way off everything including BP meds except for an allergy pill I take and my cholesterol med that he just gave me last year. After my exam he said I was in good health, lungs sounded good, great BP but “I want to talk to you about your cannabis use” then he said ”you know, it’s still illegal and you never know what they put in the cannabis that you smoke”... I told him that I know exactly what “they” put in it as I grow my own. He started shuffling his feet like he was ready to leave the conversation after I said that then said well you are not using a filter so the tar is getting in your lungs. I agreed that it probably was but I was not convinced that was such a bad thing. He quickly ended my visit and said I’ll see you next year…
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