The Original Old Farts Club

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Evening stoners. Back from the monthly dinner with the neighbors. Czechoslovakian tonight. Had pork schnitzel. Lots of gossip and neighborhood s-hit I could care less about. But, I smile, eat my pickle and mind my manners the best I can. I only wonder how I got involved with a group that thinks the Big Ban Era was the best music ever made. Fk, I am old.
Gooode morning brothers and sisters! Wishing a lovely day to ya all!

Passing left, hugs all around!
Sorry guys I've been busy as a mother fker. 13hr day Monday driving to Tulsa Oklahoma for two site visits and then driving all the way back to Dallas. And yesterday my ass was up and on the road at 418 am heading to OKC for a 9am site visit. Long meeting and then driving my ass back to Dallas. Needless to say, my back is kicking my sore ass. 🤪 Life and times of a fking Project Manager doing Government Work.
I know,,i will be 67 in Febuary,,, why am I not retired?
My house, Avalanche, and my Wifes Jag is paid for,,, but my SS will not cover the things in life that I and the Wife enjoy. SS would cover my basic bills, food, and gas MAYBE, but will not cover Property Taxes, Home Owners Insurance, and being able to do a goddamn thing but set at home worrying about prices of food and everything else going up under this idiot that's in charge of the Country. So to enjoy our lives and do the things we like and be able to afford to buy shit we want,,,I have to work. I make pretty good money so giving that up is just not in the cards. Besides i truly think its what keeps me in shape and alive.
I will retire when i can't get my ass up out of bed to go to work. When that happens I'm done and will move the fk on to whatever is on the other side. Untill then i will just b.itch about it because that's what i like to do is b.itch about work until i get home and have a few beers and a few bowls. Then im all good.😁
I'm retired and have never worked so hard in my life. I agree with Hopper, staying active keeps you in shape and alive. I don't know that I would enjoy all that driving though. I hope they pay depreciation and give you a gas allowance on your truck Hopper.
They pay me a 100.00 a week truck allowance, and i have 4 Gas Cards to be used for business only. And of course my Weekly Salary and expenses.
I get a yearly Work related Bonus and an XMas Bonus. Weeks paid vacation and a week's sick pay.

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