meanwhile in Florida……
Now thats living like LARRY
meanwhile in Florida……
That guy is the Pres of the big ball club for sureYa like that Roster? Pretty cool huh.
I want multi fuel....we assume propane/natural gas will be available and affordableI have though about a generac for long time.....just can't seem to pull the triger.
Yo Bro we got a perfect view from down here
In the hot rod days we avoided Interstate like the plague. Always (in those days) went with sears diehard. They replaced them even when mine slide off the battery tray and header burned a hole through the side.That's next on my list after a new roof. The old one still holds water, but it's starting to look a bit shabby, and I know it's only gonna be time before it leaks. Got a guy I know working up a price on dimensional shingles and a steel roof.
For my motorheads; Whatcha think about Interstate batteries? I spent $150 on one for the Rolls at Wallymart. After a couple of months, it wouldn't take a charge. Took it back, and they said they'd try. Called me half an hour after I got home and told me it's toast and to come pick up a new one. Had that one for six months and never left it hooked up incase something was draining it. Trickle charged it once every couple of weeks. It died. It was the same month and year as the last one. The Old Hen took it back when she went shopping. Before she left the store, they called her and said the second one was toast. This time they gave me one from a new batch with a 9-22 sticker on it. I guess time will tell. I've always had good luck with 'em, but not this time.
Good Luck once they start send Nat/Gas to Europe to make up for the Russian shut down,I want multi fuel....we assume propane/natural gas will be available and affordable