The Original Old Farts Club

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Land a couple of clicks away from his compound. He gets a little testy when he hears whirlybirds. Walk the rest of the way with your hands in plain site, and if you see a shadow behind ya, holler out his name or accept your fate. :)
Roger that ,Im in riot gear,night vision and snickers bars....
Good morning ladies, YOUNG Ivan got me out of bed at seven in the morning again but he gives me an extra hour of going back to bed so it works out pretty well. Before I got up I got a phone call from uncle Walt, I’m gonna go to have to go down to South Florida and teach him a lesson with Dutch. I spent last night working on my Urkel‘s girls which I will probably post a couple pictures of later today. Humidity at 80% is not my friend. Heading off to work the body, you’ll be good
Heeerrres Unca Walt. I dunno how I can catch up on all that went down while I was playing "oops!" in the horsepistol.

Went into heart foofaraw and into the ER. It took 14 hours to get it to stop. <-- Hah. Wrong word; get it to SLOW. The hospital was full, so I had to lay in the ER for the first ten hours, unable to move becuz of wires or needles or garden hoses they had in both arms.

Almost as uncomfortable as sitting in a Volkswagen.

Turns out I am one of the few who have later reaction to the stuff they prescribed for me back in January when A-fib hit for the first time becuz of alcohol and caffeine triggers. There was no way of knowing I'd fit into that group, but I have always been lucky thataway.

Finally got put into a room. (*snork*) Fargin room temp was 68F. I always wear shorts. I got disconnected from all the ER stuff... and here is where I began to be amazed. Flat amazed. Straight out of Dr. Leonard McCoy.

I remained with 14 monitor wires stuck to my chest, but I was ambulatory! Yup. All done by signals from a smartphone thing.

Then this guy comes in from the Jeffries tube holding a spacy camera. He holds it over me and it goes "click". "Wozzat?" sez I.

"I just took an X-ray of your heart."

"Don't you get irradiated doing that a jillion times a day?"

He explained that the technology had advanced to where the radiation from the gadget is no more than you would get walking across the room. Not only that, but it wasn't a foggy thing. They can get a detailed 3D look all the way through.

So the bottom line comes out to a sharply-reduced Christmas present stuff for the grandlings. Seems my new, necessary prescription for this problem has to be one that cost $753/month... and it ain't covered under any insurance. (*sigh*)

When they told me that, I couldn't help it. I did the Jack Benny routine where the crook says to him:

"Your money or your life!"

Jack Benny just stares at the guy until the guy says, "Well!?"

"I'm thinking! I'm thinking!"

HAH. Like we useta say, they can kill us but they can't eat us. That's against the law.

I'm at 120/72 with HR 58 as I type this. I appear to be easy to ding, but impossibobble to kill. Sorta like an old turtle.

So... Hisself is back inna saddle. No side effects -- I can still whip my weight in butterflies.

We were only able to do it standing up once in celebration when I got home, though.
I was the Spiritual Adviser for a bunch of scooter hippies. I knew something was wrong. Glad yer on the mend, old friend.
thanks Bro!

ha!….Swede‘s birthday was last July and I do not know when I was born so I can choose any day I want

yeah , I was so surprised when I was born that I never said a word for about a year

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I couldn't talk or walk, either. All I did was suck tittie and shit my pants. Kinda like now a days.
So, planted this Frost Hammer from seed and it is a beautiful indica. I have been waiting for it to show me weather I have a male or female. Today it has started showing. Not looking good. Sure wish I saw a tiny hair coming out of that nub. What do you think. I am afraid this is gonna be a male......planted two seeds and one didn't make it.....If this is a fricken male I get to start all over....


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