The Original Old Farts Club

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For My Buddy
Y'all know I write trashy books an' all... But I do some serious stuff too.

I founded the Institute of Unfinished Research where we found that 6 out of 10 people

Walt I don't get it. What about 6 out of 10 people. Want do these people do? I'm chuckling.
And I don't even know why.🤣
Morning Mrs ness hope your garden is good and green.

Yup my garden is good and green. Thank you.

I have four growing in the bathroom, but they are small. Was wishing for a better outcome. So, I really didn't want to show them off. I'll be snaping some pictures and I'll post them. 🤪
I'm still dealing with problems in the grow. I have used happy frog for years and it has gone downhill over the last couple years. Go in with 6.7 ph and drain will be in the low 4's. Always added garden lime and crushed egg shells. Well I changed to black gold and added some lime but didn't have no egg shells. They are needing cal bad. Found some cal/mag local I will get this evening on the way home. Question, how much to a gallon of water should I mix? I have never used this stuff before.
Make a big fargin omelet.
Here is sumpin' caught my eye... I have been upstairs in this house twice. Twenty years apart. The first time, it was empty and Witchie-poo and Himself just wandered around in it. You get vertigo on the upstairs floor because is it out of level in two directions by more that a foot.

Last time I was there, it was a clothing store. <-- TINS It's in Windsor.

Sooper Unca Walt Useless But Kewl Trivia:

A looong time ago -- I dunno how -- I learned there is a sekrit fargin tunnel from this crookedy building that goes alla way to Windsor Cossell <-- that's how they say it.

Anyway the tunnel was made so that the randy (and bitter u-ugly <-- that's double ugly) Charlie the Twice could sneak out and furgle Nell Gwinn (who was a genuine hottie!)

Here's Nell -- not bad at all...

Here's Charles II -- fukker fell out a an Ugly Tree and hit every branch on the way down:
More trivia: The crookediest house is on the shortest street in Windsor: Queen Charlotte Street. It is only as long as the crookedy house.

Even MOAR trivia: Back in London, you got to the Grenadier Pub by walking down a Mews.

Wassa mews? Fancy word for dead-end alley. In this case, it is a cobblestone 200-yard road that goes in a spiral with no exits, and ends at the pub. TINS. The place was named after a Subaltern (a POS 2nd Lt.) who cheated at cards and got his ass beat to death on the front step of the pub by his buddies. It is said he haunts the place. We had a glorious lamb dinner with Chateau Neuf de Pape wine there by the roaring fireplace inside.

Hey! I found it!

"The Grenadier is a tiny pub which has long enjoyed a reputation as one of the most haunted pubs in London. " in 3 reviews " From Knightsbridge, take the alley way (Old Barrack Yard), on the east side of the Ferrari dealership, south."

Some ghost stories about it:
It is tiny.

The whole place only holds about a dozen folks. If you look in the open door, you can see folks at the bar only 3 feet inside. The fireplace is to the left and down a coupla steps. That's where we sat.
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I'm still dealing with problems in the grow. I have used happy frog for years and it has gone downhill over the last couple years. Go in with 6.7 ph and drain will be in the low 4's. Always added garden lime and crushed egg shells. Well I changed to black gold and added some lime but didn't have no egg shells. They are needing cal bad. Found some cal/mag local I will get this evening on the way home. Question, how much to a gallon of water should I mix? I have never used this stuff before.
I do think they changed the recipe on that happy frog. Folks buy it for the cute frog. It was great for my first grow but my second grow it brought the PH way down to where the calmag would not take below 5.0. Since, I’ve been taking runoff readings and have adjusted the PH in to Make up trying to keep the runoff at 6.5. I am in the market for new soil tho. I tried an organic soil with batshit but it caused thrips in my tent and the clones just going in to flower have that same soil but the thrips set back my last grow so I’m hoping to stay on top of that if it happens again.
I’m using the strawberry stuff in my auto grow so we shall see how that works out. Good luck Giggy with your issues.
oh btw, I use a heaping teaspoon of CALMAG per gallon of water and it has always worked to keep those ugly spots away 😊

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