(The New) Do you ever imagine what your fellow MP posters look like thread?

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ozzydiodude said:
the insert image button beside the insert link button in the Quick reply

Offsite images were removed.
Hick said:
Offsite images were removed.

Was it those sheep Hick?...what you wanna keep them all to ya self:rofl: This is so Funny...

Nova That almost looks like me SHed eh...lol
Hick do you train the sheep to call you Daaaaaaaadday?
oi hick thought you weren't allowed to post live links? :p
BudMuncher said:
oi hick thought you weren't allowed to post live links? :p

I'm pretty sure its not a real website hehe.

We need more pics of members up here.
How bout a pic of a naked man on a cross,LOL!!!
LOL. Nova, that reminds me of someone but he's no longer a member here so i won't say.. feel free to take a guess if your an older member. this guy has been ban for a while.. heres a hint he was crazy.. lol
:bolt: :D My Crazzy Brother from Canada;)
weedhopper nailed it. lol anytime i see something crazy thats who i think of.. lmao he's a trip
Slowmo77,, giving BudMuncher a ride.
Nova564t,, ran outta papers, and had to run to the store.
Yep,,but I gotted my teeth fixted.:doh:

By the way,,my head is shaved.:D

Man Bro that is one ugly dude.
Hick said:
Offsite images were removed.
Hick is found here grabbing a few shots as to demonstrate proper uploading etiquette.
0 00 00.JPG

4u2 alertly listens in his best shirt with the fewest bong water stains.
000 00000.JPG
:rofl: wheres that Middle finger smiley...

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