Thanks for the replies!
I had my roomate look at it and he said that my fluro's might be too close and that could certainly be the case, i keep the canned fluro's about 1" from the plant, same with the two 24" fluro's but those dont seem to be a problem, maybe I should do away with the cans and just get a couple more tubes. Its weird because the bottom branches are looking beautiful, flowering and evrythng. Just the tops dont look healthy, dry and discolored(maybe root bound).
I was reading that you can trim the top growth to promote lower growth so I did a little of that. We'll see what happens. I also tied down some of the lower branches to train them and I added less than 1/2 teaspoon of revive and less than 1/2 teaspoon of flowering nuts to a 1 liter spray bottle. which usually lasts a few days.
I am also thinking of transplanting to prevent root bound but I'd like to keep the plant this size and I read that a larger root mass results in a taller, bushier plant. And i dont want to trim it more than i have to, it causes stress on the plant.
Well, any suggestions, let me know, Thanks for everything.