The Female Growers Group

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2Dog said:
Don u seem super smart and very sweet quit worrying so much everyone here is glad to have ya...lets smoke and relax and enjoy our time together on this wonderful earth...:48: :cool2: :lama: :smoke1:


When I took my daughter to school this morning it was -3F @6:30 AM. We are done for the winter up here unless we can grow indoors!

All you Southern California and other temperate climates just gloat all you can because I'm sure glad that it is warm somewhere!

For those that are interested, Spokane is 281 miles east of Seattle, WA on I-90.

Damn, it's tempting to move to Arizona, but then in the Summer time I'm glad I'm not down there.

Good smoking.

I agree with her and you. But that doesn't keep me from being embarrassed some times. In fact some times being of at least average intelligence make the stupid mistakes even more embarrassing. Like when I'm trying to do something and just can't make it work and one of the little grandchildren walks up and wham bam its done and I'm still trying to figure out what he/she did, much less how they did it. It usually has something to do with the Internet or sometimes just computers in general. Then to make it even more embarrassing, as the little show off walks away, I hear " And he used to run those huge Air Force computers" and I look and the kid isn't even paying ant attention so I must have said it myself.

Good smoking.
The Good News--3 of my 4 clones are showing roots and ready to move into real pots. :D

My 400w MH is nearly finished, it works, and I’m just awaiting the parabolic reflector to get it installed and ready for the auto grow. One more week.:cool:

The Bad News--On day 5 of flower, THREE of my strongest, largest, greenest, thickest, most lush plants are showing balls this morning: 1 WW, 1 Purple Frost, 1 Purple Bud. :shocked: :cry: :headbang:

Of the 24 seeds I germinated, these are the girls left:

2 Purple Frostings
1 Pink Frosting
1 White Widow F2
1 Hawaiian
1 Wizard
1 Purple Kush
1 2 Purple Bud

2 White Frosting (micro-monster can/cookie grow)
1 Pink Frosting (micro-candy grow)

This has been a disappointing grow--great beans, good germination, nice seedlings, and then, last season's nutes went bad--cap must not have been on tight enough, and they became super concentrated.

Burned a lot of plants up, most of the rest suffered considerable stress. Would not be surprised to have some hermies as time goes on.

From the first nute application, they were pretty much doomed. I probably should have axed them then, and started over. I'll have to chalk it up for experience. I'm going to do this grow again, though. I still have beans saved and these are all strains I really wanted to grow.

MORAL OF THE STORY: As Captain Condom says, "Wrap That Rascal!" Be sure to wash off all the crumblies from the tops of your nute containers and cap them well before storing. In our desert arid climate we even have to plastic wrap our liquids that are not going to be used for a few months.

But, the Auto grow is coming up soon! I'm so ready to start anew. With a much more effective vegging light! THANK YOU DONJONES!!!:yay: :banana:
Here are 2 pans of my youngest son Carl's cinnamon rolls. He rolls the dough out and spreads butter, cinnamon and sugar mixed on it, sprinkles raisins, cranaisins (dried cranberries) or dried blueberries and finally finely chopped walnuts (I'm trying to get him to use almonds but so far I haven't succeeded), then rools it up, slices it into rolled sgments about 2" thick, lays them in the pan on their end and bakes them. Then he makes an icing out of butter, SUGAR and I don't know what all.

Boy, especially fresh made, they sure kick a** on Cinnabon's cinnamon rolls, I like them even cold. EJ, my better half and their mother taught all of our kids how to cook and boy did they learn. Now if they would just remember Mom and Dad are both diabetics and really should not have all of those luscious sweets befoe we OD ourselves on sugar. But Angie, our daughter, still loves Dad's strawberry rhubarb cake best of all, even if Mom makes it too.

Good smoking.
MM, if you can keep the males separated out somewhere, why not collect the pollen and selectively pollinate one or two branches and develop your own cross breeds rather than throwing them out? Or even just pollinate the same strain and keep you some seeds to use in the future instead of having to buy them again?

Give me until the end of the day, and I'll have some suggestions for crosses to try. Let's make lemonade out of these lemons. We can do it!

I'm sorry about the males in the mix.

Good smoking.
:ciao: Don Jones...IMO..getting the growing basics down and the setup in place befor messing with makeing seeds is far more inportant for new growers..then when they get that down and comfy with it..then step it up...Not that Mojave couldnt...but why add more stress to what seems to be overwhelming as is..and I know her situation and right now we need to get her room ready for her autos first..:aok:

mojave...Allways look at possatives...

Of the 24 seeds I germinated, these are the girls left:


2 Purple Frostings
1 Pink Frosting
1 White Widow F2
1 Hawaiian
1 Wizard
1 Purple Kush
1 2 Purple Bud

thats 8 females s far...thats 33% m/f ratio....Many here would kill for you hav solid is the time practice that cloneing...Keep chin High girl..your doing great:yay:

Mohave Mama....what 4U said is true...those are GREAT ratios from using regular (non-fem) should be congratulating yourself!

Why don't you let MM make her own choices? This kind of I know just what she needs crap, regardless of the motive, is why she wasn't posting on the"big boy"forums. SHE IS PERFECTLY CAPABLE OF MAKING HER OWN CHOICES AND DECISIONS SO BACK OF!

What you don't know is she has discussed a lot of things with me in PMs and if you ask her, she will tell you that I have consistently asked her what she wanted to do and let her make choices after suggesting places she oculd get enough information to make informed choices.

This is enough preaching, I'm approaching the line between supporting and defending/protecting her, which we all need at sometime in our lives, and sheltering her and speaking for her, which she does NOT need from anyone. THAT IS ONE STRONG AND CAPABLE WOMAN!

Also, making seeds is the easiest thing about growing MJ -- definitely a lot easier than moving plants around for light like she was done for both grows. I have 3 different sets of seeds here that I was given to prove it -- one from an outdoor grow that was pollinated by the wind, one that was self pollinated by a hermie, and another one that was cross pollinated by a hermie. The two hermie sets I'm just holding for someone that I owe respect and help to even though I disagree with keeping or growing them, but if he wants to mess with them it is his choice. After all that is part of one method for feminizing seeds, or so the legends go.

The one from the wind turned into some killer weed that has been consistent for 8 crops since the accidental pollination. I'm trying it to see how I like growing it and then will decide if I want to keep it or not.

I apologize for my strident reply, but until you know there is a need to come ot her aid, why don't you let her speak for herself instead of insisting that you know what is best for her?

I'm sure you didn't mean to put her down, but that is exactly what you did without meaning to. The message you sent was -- "She doesn't know enough to say NO so I'll say it for her."

If you think she is getting in over her head, then ask her if she has considered what ever you think makes it a poor choice but let her make the choice. I'll guarantee you she is capable of saying "NO" even when maybe she ought to try it.

I know we both have her best interests in mind, but let her make her choices.

If you know as much about her situation as you think you do, then you will understand that the worst thing you can do is to decide for someone what their capabilities are and "loving them to death, just like usually we love our plants to death" rather than killing them with neglect or deliberately.

Good Smoking.

It's your choice and I know you are smart enough to know what your priorities are and what your limitations are, so if you're interested in playing with the seed thing, let me know and we will discuss it it see if it is even feasible or not. If you are NOT interested, let me know that too and we"ll drop it.

Either way is fine with me just like every thing else we have done or discussed, it is ultimately your choice and I accept what ever your choices are.

As always, your friend and servant,

Good smoking to everyone.
I am just thrilled her clones took once u can do that all you need is one good female and the sky is the limit...
ROFL, 4Uis right, Don. He's been a great mentor to me, and without his help, I would never have gotten this far. He's never steered me wrong. But he also knows my set up and how much I've struggled just to get this far. Pollen is something I cannot deal with. I do not have a place to isolate the males right now, and I live in an extremely windy climate. I also track everything from room to room in my wheelchair, as do the dogs with their 20 little feet.

So for now, keeping males to pollinate would not be doable for me. What you don't know is that 4U and I have talked about this several times, and he really does know what will send me over the top and off the mountain.

I appreciate the support Don, and that you're watching out for me, and that you see me as very competent! In my chosen fields of knowledge, that's certainly true, but when it comes to learning to grow, I'll never know a fraction of what 4U and other very experienced growers here have forgotten!

I'm very much a novice, very much a beginning student, and even after getting the light up, I will not have an optimum growing area. I still have no ventilation, just open the bedroom (grow room) door to keep it cool when the lights are on. It's still very ghetto.

I was just jumping on here to answer your previous question about why I don't keep the males and get some pollen from them. Because of my situation here, it's not doable right now, and it's not 4U who made the decision for me---it's me who knows what's doable and what isn't. 4U just said what I was thinking.

I really am not someone who's afraid to fly! I simply am someone who understands my limitations of knowledge and ability in a field wholly new to me. I'm in no rush here. I like the process of learning, of making mistakes and learning from those mistakes. Little steps--that's how I learn best.

I like keeping things harmonious--working within my abilities, expanding as I grow in knowledge, and keeping things as simple as possible so I don't give up and just throw in the towel.

So let's all just stay harmonious and happy! I am!!!

That is all I needed to hear. I just wish he had said that you had discussed it or let you say no.

On your room, can you install a window AC unit in it to keep it cooler?

Are you able to modify it, like if you are buying versus renting?

These are probably things that you have already talked about with 4u2sm0ke, but I'm just looking at the basics until I know more so I can kind of channel my thinking to see if I can help you with some suggestions.

I grew in an upstairs bedroom -- California split entry type home-- for about 5 months so maybe -- part of the time the temperatures out side got above 100F -- some of the things I encountered and the solutions might help you think of solutions.

What kind of windows do you have, sliders or vertical opening?

Since you take your plants outside and move them around to follow the sun, I'm assuming that the neighbors aren't close enough for moderate noise and smell aren't going to be a problem, right?

If you would like me to I'll share my solutions for cooling and fresh air exchanges.

Good smoking.
Hello ladies :ciao:

and lets not forget men :p

well at least not my man 4u :heart: :D,,,,only joking ozzy and legalise this here take these :48: :bong::bongin:
hey UK hows it going with the new job? you likey?
UKgirl420 said:
Hello ladies :ciao:

and lets not forget men :p

well at least not my man 4u :heart: :D,,,,only joking ozzy and legalise this here take these :48: :bong:

Careful UK or 4u is going to catch us:p :48:

:48::48:passing to the rest of the FGG
2Dog said:
hey UK hows it going with the new job? you likey?

yeah its cool ,,,,but my little one hasnt had me go out to work without her before ,,,so its quite strange ,but nice ,after 6.5 yrs not having my side kick with me :giggle: but well the money will come in very useful ,,,thanks for asking :D
awww she will be fine. and the money will be great to have..hopefulyl you see a check before christmas..
yep i know she will ,,and yep the 23rd of dec is paycheque :D

hmmm i wonder who will get the benefit of that:rolleyes:

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