The Female Growers Group

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Try the Lowryder strain, I hear it stays small. Then there is the LST method (low stress training). It can hold the height down too. Also, indoor growers use a technique called SuperCropping. Has to do with pinching and breaking the cleulose in the stem. Check out LST and SuperCropping in this section...

Welcome to the "Female Growers" thread and Marijauna Passion.
Just a little update on what's in the closet(s).

A while ago I decided to go through my seeds and grow out some of those freebies from the seed companies that I had and some experimental crosses that I had come across.

This is a Safari Mix that is almost 5 weeks into flowering.
The second is a Gigabud--10 days into flowering.
This next monster sativa is a Shiva. The only seed to germ from a freeby pack I got several years ago. She was put into flowering 5-2 and obviously has a ways to go. Although the buds are still light and airy, she already needs support :D .
And in the vegging closet--The six babies are a Kush cross grown from seed. I also just germed 5 C99, 3 mystery seeds, and 5 K2 crosses.

5-31-09 010 (2).jpg

5-31-09 001 (2).jpg

5-31-09 015 (2).jpg

5-31-09 022 (2).jpg
HELLO EVERYBODY.......hope you all had a nice memorial day weekend, it's really weird celebrating dead soldiers but who am I to say what we should do or not do.....anyway

I was wondering if any of you female growers have ever come across something like this....I was two weeks into my first cfl experiment with six purple sativa from bcseed co. and walla, all of a sudden I have this 'brown stuff' on one plant...I pinched the two leaves off so I could take a better picture.....anybody got any ideas?????????:hairpull::confused2: painterdude
Jeesh, Painterdude! It's hard to tell from the picture (and it sure looks like an Indica dominant to me, not a Satica with those fat leaves)--but is the brown stuff laying on TOP of the leaves, in other words, can you scratch it off? Or is it like that on the top and bottom, going THROUGH the leaves? This looks like NOTHING in any of my plant problem books or anything I could find online. Very strange.
hi mojavemama.....sorry about the 'cracker' mixup....OK, this stuff seems to be part of the leaf and does not rub off and it is showing up on another plant.....very strange is correct....

hi hemp goddess.....have only been watering them and haven't gotten to the point that I want to give them using Fox Farm Ocean soil which should do the job for awhile and they are under 6400kelvin 2000lumen bulbs....and bcseed says that this is an Indica/Sativa cross, with apparent Indica dominance......hey, what does that mean? am totally lost in dealing with the hybrids...

mojavemama, I am going to post a pic showing how big these leaves are....and hopefully a light green spotted leaf that I think will turn brown......yukkie poo poo

and I decided to include a pic of one of two plants that were seemingly tortured with lack of fault....but look at the leaf curl, wife thinks I have mites.....sheeeeeitski....

thanks for caring you guys, love the attention, painterdude

Hey, Painterdude...If your wife says you have mites, it's time to check your plants carefully and isolate the ones you suspect have them. Do you have a magnifier you can use to look under the leaves?

I've read in a couple of places that people have put out pans of water and lowered the humidity in the environment, and the mites jump into the water.
Don't know if this is true or an "old husband's tale." But since it doesn't cost anything to try, I'm just tossing it out there.

I had mites earlier this year, but since I inspect my plants daily very carefully with a magnifying glass, I caught them early on and used Ladybugs to eradicate them.

Lots of people use Neem oil successfully, but others with heavier infestations say it doesn't work for them. Pyrethins is another usual product widely used, but again, people complain that in a heavy infestation, it also doesn't work. Others swear by a product called "Ultra-Fine Horticultural Oil," which to me, looks like it's nothing more than mineral oil.

I use Safer Insecticidal soap (widely available) for mites, thrips, aphids--and it works very well for me.

Here's what the Cervantes book says:

"Spidermites perfer a dry climate 70-80F and reproduce every five days in temps above 80F. Create a hostile environment by lowering the temperature to 60F and spray foliage, especially under leaves, with a jet of cold water. Spraying literally blasts them off the leaves as well as increases the humidity. Their repoductive cycle will be slowed and you will have a chance to kill them before they do much damage. Manual removal works for small populations. Smash all mites in sight between the thumb and index finder, or wash the leaves individually between two sponges. Avoid infecting other plants with contaiminated hands or sponges.

Remove leaves with more that 50% damage and throw away, making sure insects and eggs do not reenter the garden. If mites have attacked only one or two plants, isolate the infected plants and treat them seperately. Take care when removing foliage not to spread the mites to other plants. Severely damaged plants should be removed from the garden and destroyed.

Smear a layer of TANGLEFOOT around the lips of containers and at the base of stems to create barriers spider mites cannot cross. This will help isolate them to specific plants. (Note: smear a layer of TANGLEFOOT at each end of drying lines when hanging buds to contain spider mites. Once foliage is dead, mites try to migrate down dyring lines to find live foliage with fresh, flowing sap."

So, Painterdude, if your wife suspects you have mites on the plants, don't wait! Check them out thoroughly and when you find them (note that I didn't say "if" you find them--I trust your wife!) treat them in some fashion asap.

Pests are something I always expect to have because I'm doing an indoor-outdoor grow, so I tend to be very vigilant. If, due to health issues or whatever--you don't have the waywithall to be as vigilant as you know you need to be, here's a woman's suggestion: Ask your wife to be the daily plant checker, and do something wonderful for her in return. A nightly foot rub would probably be really appreciated! Or taking over some small job that she normally does, but you know she truly dislikes doing.

Trust me on this, I'm a wife, and if my husband ever said, "If you are willing to do this 15 minute task for me every day, I'll vacuum the house"---I'd be flying high and thrilled with that 'deal.'

Good luck figuring out what the heck is happening with your beautiful hybrids!
:ciao: Mojave..we place water in grow room to raise the Humidity...a higher humidity will help keep them at bay..never heard of them jumping in..but hell it gets hot in my shed so maybe they need to cool off too:rofl: High temps and low RH equals top notch breeding enviorment for mites..Just my thaughts:bolt::bong:
Hey 4u2sm0ke!

I was just hoping you'd jump in on this thread.

"High temps and low RH equals top notch breeding enviorment for mites..Just my thaughts"

Yep, I totally agree, since I'm living in a climate with high temps and low humidity!

And my husband can't understand why it takes me so long to check, trim and treat my plants every day. Well, on the plus side, I sure won't be worrying about mold. <G>

You know, I'd never heard of mites being attracted to water enough to commit suicide by drowning, until I read about it a couple of places on the web. Which doesn't mean I necessarily believe it, but at least it costs nothing to conduct the experiment.

Hahhh! Color me gullible...
majavemama and 4u2smOke.....thanks so much once again for your suggestions.....can't get the wife involved yet....don't really understand her issue with the dope......I've asked her twice to help but so far nothing....when she comes home from her work, she just crashes with the dog and catches up on Obama's latest trip...

I've now got 4 plants isolated in the greenhouse that is more opaque than translucent....also they will get REAL night time temps.....

They were in an environment with temps around the mid 70's and reaching the low 80's during the warmer days which were just a couple of days ago....

Will set up lights for them and see what happens.....duh, feeling stupid and lost.....thanks, painterdude
Hi Ladies,
I am new 2 MP and would like 2 join the Female Growers Group. I am on my
2nd grow, one I did in South Carolina in 2001 and some might find this funny as hell... I raised 3 hogs and when they went off 2 the butcher, I said what a great place to grow sum weed, so I threw in the seeds and OMG! The results were incredible, all i did was pull a few sucker leaves off in the 1st month of vegetation and watered them when they needed it. The outcome was very rewarding! So i say hog **** is the ****, lol I am on my second grow now in my lifetime and already screwed up one plant by removing all the fan leaves, but I learned and the plant is still in good shape, lol, MP is a great resourse, the people here are so helpful and the knowledge is outstanding, I havn't figured out how 2 upload pics yetm but I will be posting my pics when i learn how. Good Luck 2 all! Buzzby
Hey, Buzzby! Welcome to the Female Growers Group! I sure would love to hear what you called your pig **** pot! Oinkalicious? Oinkadank?

You'll find this forum among the VERY easiest to upload pictures--you won't have to first store you pictures anywhere, it's the simplest upload ever.

When you reply, don't use the "quick reply" but hit the "go advanced." Then it will give you an attachments option. Click on that and upload the pictures from your computer. It's that easy. They will pop up under your post in the "thumbnails" area. If you run into any frustration, just send me a PM (click on my name and it will give you the option to send me a private message).

Can't wait to see pictures of your second grow! (and if you have any of the pigs and the pot together, that would definitely be a FUN picture to see!)

So, welcome, welcome, welcome!!!! And don't worry about the fan leaves. They will grow more. Heck, my dog decimated 3 of my plants and every one of them just handled it fine and re-grew everything, and are now flowering like crazy.
Painter Dude,
May I add my 2 cents on your leaf problem. I also start in Ocean Forest soil, and have had very simular problem. The leaves turning a dark color, and then almost to brown, in spots only. I have beaten my head over this, looks much like over nuteing or splash of nutes on leaf, as Goddess suggested. I personally think that it is the Ocean Forest soil. It is so good, that seedlings are getting a little to much nutes (opinion only here, nothing by my experience with simular problem to back this info up). It did it exclusivly to the mango (my mango was real tempermental as to nutes) I had last year, and to some of the plants the year before (dont remember which ones as I had so many strains that year, like this year kinda).

Spider mites will leave a distintive yellow spots, that are bout the size of pin heads. You KNOW when you have them. But get your mangnify thing out and look for them under the leaves. You can usually see them as small spots if the magnification is little and moving around and waving at you laughing if you have a scope thing. You will also see their eggs.

And I agree with the MojaveMoma, that is seriously an indica dominant purps you got there. My purps last year had a much narrower leave. That is a sure fire way to tell the dominant part to your plant. Wide is indica dom, and long and narrow is more the sativa side.
Heading over to my journal to post a couple pics. The older clones look to have doubled in size since last week and the new clones (the ones we made) are pictured too but look so puny.

And Goddess, those are some mighty fine looking girls and seedlings you got there. That sativa is gonna be a heck of a producer!

Nice to see you all Ladies and Gentlemen and read your posts this morning.
Welcome to the "Female Growers Group" buzzby.
Just popping in to see what this thread was all about! I just have to say.. THG, your garden looks amazing!! Great job! I'm loving that sativa. Take care and be safe.
hi the journal.....sooooooooo, how did everything turn out last year with the weird spotted leaves for Fox Farm Soil????? I pinched off all the weird leaves and that felt kind of mean, but we will see what happens.....two Purps are still OK and are being checked twice daily....

I also have three White Widows that are about a week or so behind the Purps and they seem to be loving the soil SO FAR...and all of them have big, fat leaf, is the White Widow an Indica dominant or is it always a throw of the dice.....these guys ALL HAVE BIG going to post pics of the two remaining non-weird Purps and one pic of one of the White all of you, painterdude
Painter, all the mango produced very well, as the plant got bigger, the problem went by the way problems at all. Your girls look spot on in those pics...beautiful. Start them out under the sun during the day if you like, now that the rain is gone......?

as for small or wide leaves....mine all looked like that at that age, and I am not an expert on WW, never grew it, did like smokin' it when I did have the pleasure tho.....