The Female Growers Group

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Wow, it's nice in here, not all junky like the other sections. Never been in here before. Smells good too.

Just wanted to drop by and say happy Mothers Day to one and all.
Thank you UKgirl, Happy Mothers Day to all in the UK too!

Nice to know this thread is not "junky", Happy Mothers Day to You too, Pencilhead.
Well Mojavemama, I've pretty much come to the conclusion that most men think "more is better" especially watering. So far, my sweetie is mildly curious but kind of drifts away and leaves it to me. Hooray!!!

I lost 15 GOOD seeds this week, first time I've had to pay, due to defective thermostats in seedling mat. They all started to sprout and then died. Tested the mats and they were at 99 to 105 degrees. Nursury will take them back but too late for me to reorder. Dang!!!!!! Luckily made lots of seed last year, but wanted some variety this year.

Hope you desert grow is doing well. Know how hard it is to grow in the heat and wind. Have sisters out your way and their garden is almost done when mine is just getting started.

Hope everyone had an awesome Mothers Day

Ohhhh, Noooooo Colorado Lady! I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your good seeds this year due to a faulty thermostat in the seedling mat. How devastating! I haven't tried a real seedling mat yet. I germinated my seedlings on regular waterproof heating pads set on low.

Yes, it's a real challenge to grow anything very green here past mid-May. Still, though I'm trying to kill 11 plants by leaving them outside in 7% humidity and 100 degree temps all day long, they are all miraculously surviving and thriving--growing new leaves rapidly. And these are the culled plants, the ones who sustained the most damage during hubby's flood. Go figure!

This is going against everything I have read about temperature needs of marijuana. Yet, they are definitely thriving and growing. Thanks so much for the response. Envy you in coooool green Colorado. Bet you don't have to wear oven mitts to drive your car there, do you?
Mojave, MJ is hearty when grown outside. I get temps of 100 plus summer time, and my plants thrive out there, I wouldnt but they do. I think you will find your culls will suprise you if you continue to keep their roots from drying out to much or get too much direct sun hotest part of day. Heat is a problem too on those roots, I paint my pots white, and keep them cooler that way, one year I wrapped them in butcher paper. Water is needed a bit more during the heat, I water mornings. One reason I container garden is I am on a limited well. Well this year it will be limited a bit more than usual. I too have watering issues with the spouse. I looked in on your journal, Your doing great.

Colorado, RIP those seeds. So sorry to hear bout that. I ended up with three female from ten seeds. Im keeping my figers crossed one doesnt hermi on me in the middle of the season.....

Good night ladies.
TCBud, thanks so much for the helpful reply! Sounds like those culls may just live a bit longer, even in the heat here. I also water in the mornings, work hard to keep the roots cool by wrapping water-saturated heavy layers of newspaper around the pots, and shredded wet newspapers on the top of the soil. What is so very helpful (and hopeful for me!) in your response is knowing that others have had plants in 100 degree temps and THEY LIVED!

I'd still like to bring my plants outside--the ones I saved--during the day, as long as they are small enough for me to transport them in and out each day.
Since they are in 3 gallon pots, I hope they won't get too heavy for me to continue doing this, even when they go into flowering.

Thanks so much for taking the time to respond!
ooh Turkey How thoughtful to send us flowers. When should I expect them delivered? UPS can be here in 3 days. I await with great excitement. Almost out of last years grow and looking forward to something different.

And Mojavemama, who is your avatar picture? Looks like my uncle Russell, who usually thought he was a country western singer and didn't look at all like the rest of us hicks. Sorry Hick if you're reading.

Let's all have an excellent day:watchplant:
Colorado Lady, my avatar picture is a Russell, but probably not your uncle Russell. If it IS your Uncle Russell, then you'll have to scrape me off the floor. My avatar picture is of the musician Leon Russell--my favorite performer of all time, Master of Time and Space, and I took the picture at a concert last December. How much do I love Leon? Enough to trade all 21 of my ready-to-flower female plants for a chance to share a few tokes with Leon. Sigh! <G>
Hi Ladies (and Gentlemen). Even though I joined the group a while ago I am just getting around to introducing myself.

I am in my 30's. After I moved from Alaska (where you could be fairly open about it) to a place that you don't even mention smoking, I knew that I had to grow. My husband can't smoke, but will build me anything that I need (an is proud as hell of the product) and with this site giving me knowledge I am doing pretty good. I currently have 4 lowryders under a 600 watt hps and 3 Pure Power Plant and 3 Nirvana Special that just sprouted with CFLs.

I have also encouraged other girls to start growing (and stop mooching off of me). Love this site and the encouragement. Best of all like that I have the knowlege not to have to depend on anyone for my weed.
hello and welcome to MP yoga,,,
nice of your husband to support you ,,,be sure to threw some pics up of your ladies ,,,and look forward to seeing you on the boards :48:
Wecome Yoga glad to see you stop in. I am sure MP will be lots of help (growing), it sure helps me with my grow. Do You keep a grow journal here?
My husband is great. I will look at stuff in the DIY section and then he builds it for me. He made me an awesome veg box from his own design. He would love to smoke if he could and the fact the he doesn't hold it against me is great. I don't know if I could be so kind if our situations were reversed. BUT, the only thing that he has asked is that I don't post journals or pictures to the site. And since he supports me so much I really try to abide by his wishes (there really aren't that many).

That being said, when I checked on my Lowryders this morning the first thing I thought is that I wish I could put up a picture because they look GOOD. Knock on wood.
I understand totally, my husband only can smoke while laid off in the winter, up till a month he will go back to work. At least he can smoke for a few months. So, I am regulated to smoking out on the porch most of the year. I can imagine your girls look great though.
SO SORRY BUT I FORGOT TO WISH ALL YOU MOTHERS A HAPPY MOMMY DAY......both of my wife's boys called her and that was heartwarming for her...... germinating six Purple Sativa from bcseed company....last year they all went male....lets hope for better results this year....

Opened my box from the CFL company and I had this cute little note from the guy who packed it......he hoped everything was OK because he 'wants to keep his job'.....:heart::fly:painterdude
Hi Galz!

Quick question. I'm about to transition my ladies from veg into flowering. I've read most often to just go straight to 12/12, but yesterday, when I was at the local hydroponic store to get some mylar and panda cloth, the guy there advised me strongly to do a two-week "adjustment period" from veg into flowering, cutting the lights gradually to 12/12 rather than all at once.

Wondered what you all thought about this, and what your advice would be?
Should I just dive in and go 12/12 from the get-go, or follow the slow transition period?

Apparantly, the hydro store also sells nutes for this transition period, so I wasn't real sure if the advice was more to sell nutes or not.

Sure appreciate any feedback on this topic!
Ahhhh, how envious I am of all you galz here with good lights! I'm still struggling with fluoros, and have to augment them with outdoor sunshine every day.

That means preparing and moving 19 plants outside each morning, which, after doing the wet newspaper dance, covering everything with shadecloth, and adding moisture to the stones on the bottom of each rolling cart, I end up spending 2 hours in the morning and an hour in the evening just transitioning them.

Man, I can't imagine what it would be like to just be able to switch lights on and off, water & feed the girls all in one place. What a timesaver it must be!
Yes, color me green with envy and drooling copiously!

On a happy note, though, in spite of all the time it takes me to keep them alive and thriving in 100 degree plus weather, they thrill me with how healthy and robust they are, and how much growth they have gone through since putting them into flowering 4 days ago.

I could never have done this without all of your help. You kept me going when I wanted to give up, and filled in essential gaps in my learning that helped me so much in meeting these girls needs. THANK YOU!
mojavemama said:
Hi Galz!

Quick question. I'm about to transition my ladies from veg into flowering. I've read most often to just go straight to 12/12, but yesterday, when I was at the local hydroponic store to get some mylar and panda cloth, the guy there advised me strongly to do a two-week "adjustment period" from veg into flowering, cutting the lights gradually to 12/12 rather than all at once.

Wondered what you all thought about this, and what your advice would be?
Should I just dive in and go 12/12 from the get-go, or follow the slow transition period?

Apparantly, the hydro store also sells nutes for this transition period, so I wasn't real sure if the advice was more to sell nutes or not.

Sure appreciate any feedback on this topic!

Go right to 12/12. Doing a gradual switch over only lengthens your flowering time--there is absolutely no reason for it. I probably wouldn't be taking this guy's advise...

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