The Captian's Log

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Jun 23, 2009
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Okay, so this is the deal...I am a medical grower with stage 1 MS. I am using cannabis under the guidance of my physician, as prescribed by my local laws.

I am lucky enough to live in a state that allows for medicinal use and therefore exercise my right to grow the lovely, sacred cannabis plant for personal use.

I am currently in the process of moving and you will see that the current set up is obviously meant to be temporary only. As the log progresses you will see changes to the room. Please do not be alarmed by this.

I am growing in FFOF and using the complete FF lineup of grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom, cha ching, open sesame and beastie bloom. As stated the current setup is temporary and consists of the very basics needed for veg...1 4ft, 2 bulb, floro with veg bulbs. Vegging under 24/7.

I usually grow from clones but do have a seed girl here or there from seeds passed down to me from friends and relatives.

I am a bit f a strain collector, what can I say? I love diversity. So, without further ado, on to the pics...

Sweet Canna 001.jpg

Sweet Canna 002.jpg

Sweet Canna 003.jpg

Sweet Canna 004.jpg

Sweet Canna 005.jpg

Sweet Canna 006.jpg

Sweet Canna 007.jpg

Sweet Canna 008.jpg

Sweet Canna 009.jpg

Sweet Canna 010.jpg

Sweet Canna 011.jpg

Sweet Canna 012.jpg
Nice girls you got there, I'm looking forward to seeing a few of the strains your growin, I'll be definitely droppin by to see hoe your makin out! Goodluck with the grow!

I love the name of your journal! Captains log my ? is is your name Kirk!
phatpharmer said:
I love the name of your journal! Captains log my ? is is your name Kirk!

lol, glad you caught that one. Even though I am a bigger fan of ST: NG, I still pay tribute to the original. My SN is from a short story I wrote about a sci-fi group of cannabis explorers called " Bud Trek", it was just a silly story so I took the name from it's male protaganist, the one and only, Captian James THC Kush, lol.
Quik update before I head to the local Dispensary:

The girls seen in the third pic are in my "sick bay" because they were previously outdoor girls that were discovered by the orkin man. They went through some bad shock in the adjustment which was compounded by a MASSIVE ph swing in the soil.

I have nursed them back to health and they are showing signs of renewed growth. The leaves, previously yellow and sickly, showing obvious signs of nute lockup, with HOT soil (8.5+, 8.5 is as high as my tester went) are now green again.

The rehab involved a complete repotting with fresh soil and 3 weeks of hand watering & baby sitting. Only recently did I give them some nutes and they responded well. It just goes to show you how tough a plant these little girls are and also shows that if you take the right actions quilky you can save even the most dilapidated plants.

Thanks Hamster. I will post some new pics after the move this weekend.

Well, like I promised, here are updated pix of the girls. They had a nice feeding of week 2 strength nutes, FF grow big and big bloom. The dream queen cant seem to get enough nutes, every feeding she jumps another half inch in height and width. The cheese is thus far the most delicate of the girls.

I added a new strain, the venerable purple kush. The room is really crowded now with three separate areas, the sick bay, the ready to transplant bay and the nursery for seedlings and small clones.

The new pics, please feel free to comment or ask questions, happy to answer.










The move was hectic and 4 girls were lost. No internet yet so I am posting this froM my bb. Pics to follow when access is installed.

When I read your posts I'm doing it with Captain Kirks voice and unnecessary dramatic inflection. It's fun.

Nice plants too.
Finally all settled into the new place and have time to update the log...

I have 6 girls outside on my deck in full bloom. A mix of sour D, blue cheese, dream queen, jack flash and grapefruit d. They are looking lovely except from some thus far undiagnosed pest issue. I am also having a issue with some kind of mildew in my veg room. I have been running the humidity around 36-40 % since I moved in. I have added some humidity to the room so the average is around 56-66% and this seems to be slowly killing the mildew, or atleast, so it would seem. I will add new pics soon if anyone wants to lend a hand at the diagnoses.
Wow, what changes since my last post. I had a rash of horrible luck as an unknown plant contagion killed off a huge number of my girls.

I took the time to rebuild my setup. Since I moved anyway it seemed a good idea.

My new setup is as follows:

Grow Lab 80 (3x3X5)
Sun systems 400 Watt HPS
188 CFM fan (exhaust/light cooling)
2 6" clip on fans (set high for circulating)
1 12" floor fan (for rez and cool air exchange)

Currently the strains are:

In soil:

Captian's Kush

In modified GH Waterfarms:
Dream Queen
Strawberry Cough

The soil girls are getting the full FF lineup, the hydro girls are getting GH flora series + FF solubles for flowering.

They are about 8 days into the flowering cycle.

I will add some pics later this afternoon.

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