early 1970's my 1st bud was $20/oz of regular mex. bud, then in the late 70's I had the pleasure of smoking some colombian gold, it was kick butt all the way.... but after recently growing Landrace Colombian Gold, it is not what I had smoked in the late 70's, however this Gold is even better than what I smoked in the 70's.... reflecting back to the time I smoked the CG, it may have been called that but was a different strain, I'm thinking skunk#1, cuz the description of Skunk it's cross w/CG, Afgani and Mex. Acapulco gold... so I have placed an order for 5 feminized seeds.... perhaps I can match it up to that smoke I had in the late 70's... i have never smoked Skunk#1 yet.... so we will see
Also someone mentioned smoking Europian Hash in this thread, imo it is the supreme high... the stuff we would get over there actually came from Turkey and was always laced w/opium, you could actually see the white streaks running thru the hash.... it cost $20/piece, about 2-3 grams I think... a piece would last me a week if I kept it to myself, 2 days if I shared w/my buddies... of course I shared all the time...
:holysheep: story time
Back in the early 70's while in the Army I was stationed in Germany. I won a fist full of dollars and a few iou's one night playing poker... when I went to collect on one iou, the guy had just received/opened up a care package from his buddies from the states, the package included 2 oz of mexican bud.... I got one of the oz as payment on the iou... I also just got my hands on 2 nice size pieces of hash... being well stocked for the moment, Charlie company was put on alert status that very day.. so we went right to our alert location into the field in France, I was in the Signal Corps, so we were way out there in the boonies.... normally we are given a few days notice before we performed field operations, but when it is an alert status you just go, no time to get well stocked....anyway w/dope in hand.... I and about 200 other guys are setting up our rigs and the word was no one had any dope to smoke, no one except me that is, which I kept to myself..... needless to say I did shared w/my closest friends, but it had got to the point I could not even go take a dump, eat, sleep w/o a dozen guys following me and watching every move I made.... we spent 3 weeks out there in the woods in France and every 6-7 days they would allow us to rotate from the field to a nearby British Air base to shower, grab some cigs, beer/booze, snacks and such.... of course I got to drink all the free beer I could pour down thanks to my closet friends.... lesson to be learned, always be prepared.....
hell I don't even ride my fatboy w/o a few doobs on hand, never know who you are going to run into.... :hubba: