Tell everyone the Scham that is Alabama's New Laws...Okay I will "Voice in my Head"

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Fungus Amungus

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2022
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Alabama Passed the Medical Weed Bill Last Year...but here's the Kicker. There are No dispensaries or Legalized Growers...NOTHING. To write a Script, a Doc has to go thru a Litany of Paperwork but first has to Pay $400 & go to an all day Class in Montgomery, AL, where I'm sure the Propaganda enters the Show! The Law doesn't apply to Mary Jane...only THC Pills from whom?,,,BIG PHARMA! It also makes Docs prescribe Opiates first (not kidding), Yep & we know that if the Doc writes Newbies a Script for saaaay...OxyContin 20 mg, they're gonna say Phuck Weed, gimme some more of these! Oh yeah the Arrest calls for a $6000 Fine (For the 1st time offenders) & up to a Year in Jail, for this so called Misdemeanor (HA! HA!) basically, it does nothing! Once again they walk down the State Capital Steps...Rub 'Ole Toby on his Nappy Head & ask "Did you get my weed Boy?"...Yes 'Sur Massa, Toby be a good (CENSORED). H@ll, even Mississippi has more lenient Laws, I believe they have decriminalized it!...and I Live only 30 miles away. Here, even if you've got a script, & get caught it's still a $6,000 Fine & up 1 Year in the Clink! That's Alabamer for you...Backwards and Proud of it!! Good 'ole Boys Network is still controlling Us!
I visualize a room full of Boss Hogs & Pappy's (from Oh Brother Where Art Though...Governer Kay Ivey marching in (wearing Boxer Shorts & Mel Brooks "The GOV" Coat w/Tails Jacket & With a big Stogie hanging out her mouth, and saying "Gentlemen we've got to Protect Our Phony Bologna Jobs!" Hurumph-Hurumph-Hurumph "Hey, I didn't get a Hurumph from that Guy" Hurumph-Hurumph "Watch your A$$"
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I live in Texas and could give two shits if they ever make it legal. Know lots of good ole boys with guns. I call them my brothers. Those good ole boy rednecks grow some good weed.
Loved the music in Oh Brother Where Art Though. Those chicks in that creek were hot too. Turned one of them poor boys into a frog.😁
the government isn't our friend...that's why we all grow our own...smoked some dispensary weed last night, it looked too perfect and gave me a head ache...
Dispensary prices are nutz! I bought a joint when it first opened it was 25 bucks my weed was way better and is was 50 percent paper. When I took it out of the glass I was like damm who rolled this a 2 year old? So no dispensaries for me.

My brother taught me to roll. He broke his hand when he smashed it in a press at a steel mill where he worked when he turned 18. He couldn't roll so he made me. He busted out a pack of zigzags and 2 cigarettes. He said take out the tobacco and practice Until it looks even. You are not wasting my weed. He sat and watched me and gave me pointers. It took me 3 tries. He’s like damm girl you got the touch. After that he would bring me an ounce every week and tell me to roll the whole bag. That lasted for 3 months while his hand healed.

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