sMACk, Ill try and answer a few of your questions. I cant answer the questions about reveg, tho as I have never had to go thru it. I always put my girls outdoors during veg and they go thru summer and flower in august.
Almost all outdoor girls will flower when they see 14 hours of sunlight day, 10 hours of dark. This process happens at a much slower rate than indoors tho, because you are able to give them 24 hours of light, then straight into 12/12. Thats also why its hard for us outdoor growers to pinpoint the exact week of flower, and its much easier for us to know when to harvest by looking at tric development, instead of going by the week of flower.
As far as outdoor bugs go, i keep it in check, and the natural predetor vs prey scenario keeps everything else in check. A little Sevin Dust around the perimeter, as well as organic sprays to use in veg, will go a long way. Caterpillars, Leaf-hoppers, Borg, Aphids, SM. They all are found outdoors, but if you keep your plant healthy, and do routine sprays until early flower, you should be fine.
Ever try doubling up pots to try and reduce the heat for the root zone?
thank god for clones!
what soil and nutes do you use?
I also grow in pots outdoors. I bury them below the surface of the ground, and they stay much cooler that way. Just be sure to move the pot around, check under it, look for bugs ect....This is mainly because your plants will find there way thru your drain holes and anchor themselves into the ground. :cool2: Just pick them up every once in a while to avoid this.
Soil and nutes: Pro-mix BX +Myco is my base soil. I add Worm Castings dolomite lime, and water with added mollasses. For nute i use Dr. Earth Dry Organic Fertilizer mixes. Organic 5 for veg, Life in early flowering, and organic 8 for bloom. This year i bought humboldt nutrients organic bloom. I like that i can mix it with ph'd water and feed, instead of brewing fertilizer teas with the dr. earth. I LOVE dr. earth for veg and early flower tho. I use nothing else. I use it when i mix the soil, and as a liquid tea. I wont use anything else.
Hope this helps :48: