street quality vs homegrown quality? how do YOU weigh in?

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Gods Advocate

Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2007
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Got a question for you all.... Ive been reading, and searching and cannot find any forum for this. (search sucks!) So i hope there isnt one burried out there somewhere. But hey! here it goes


Take into account the different types of street grade as well.

How does it relate to the low?

The medium?

The high?

Is homegrown stuff wayyy more potent than high quality stuff? or slightly more potent? or exactly the same as a high quality street bag?

More specifically, if grown correctly, indoors, how does WW stand up to high grade? med. low grades of street weed?

Thanks for the responses!

AND!!!! Dont forget to check out my grow journal and leave me suggestions. Ive just started it, but hey, bring them on!!

Thanks guys.
that depends on dealer, location. At home when you do it you got a controled environment plus you can keep tract of the ones with qualities you favor. Thats only as good as your abilities to deal with the plant period though. overall I would favor the streets, if it aint good they wouldn't have buisness.

I don't know how to answer that, it depends on who grew it to start off with for both cases. I seen some market pot that is like ultra grade a+ dazzle ma razzle that makes me feel like i'm the king of the castle. Some growers even for market bud still raise a nice crop, especially now that genetics is wide spread.

I am on 1st and 2nd crow about to harvest in the next few weeks. I took extra good care and plants have a great life. So we shall see how their genetics with my care fair. Could be like a steak... tastes better when someone else buys, and tastes better when you cook it yourself. But it's still a steak :)
Thats exactly what I mean. Everyone talks up homegrowing to the point where im expecting a way more potent plant. I also hear from street talk that the SOME of the stuff is absolute garbage. (more of it than not) And every now and then ill hear of some reallly good stuff.

It just seemed that the way everyone made it sound the stuff you grow yourself, like you guys, is extra taken care of and 'performs' much better.

OBVIOUSLY you cant compare apples to oranges 100%, but im asking for a generalization! Thanks for the input though, that kind of helps me understand.

What would you say are some of the most important things that improve potency of a plant?
^^Good care and growing techniques is all you need! I feel the same way you do GA.It's like here, everyone gives the local dro so much good rep, but my reasoning is, dro is JUST dro>another medium, and you can say how superior it is all you want, but if you don't know how to grow properly, then you aint got no "Hi-Grade".Most of the stuff I see on here looks awesome compared to the schwag street stuff I usually see.But I have seen some really nice varieties on the street...the links for the uber hard stuff IS out there, but I realise it's the rich people, or people with the disposable cash that can afford it, get access to it.
I suppose some clarification of "street" and "homegrown" could help, because there is some grey area. To my mind, street means that the cannabis is likely smuggled, bricked material, grown in unknown conditions. Usually its reasonably potent. But I have only ever seen real cannabis cup type material from homegrowers. The grey area is there, though, because some homegrowers become ambitious enough to have plenty to sell. But I still wouldn't classify their cannabis as "street". Perhaps we could call that type "Tax Relief" ~ peace
No doubt, my homegrown is far better than anything on the streets around here.
I am going to quote something I read here not to long ago. I believe it was Hick that said "If you want the best tomato's, do you get them from the supermarket? NO! You get them from the old man down the street." Or something to that effect. That is the best I have ever heard it described. Again as already mentioned, the old man has to know how to grow a tomato. I have smoked brick shwag that was more potent than some of the herb that has been picked up from a MMJ dispensary. Thats the honest truth!!
I think it has to do with location too..well atleast here..or should I call it, how the "weed map" goes.Closer to the mountainous areas you get some decent outdoor, so I heard.While in the poorer areas, all the block usually has is compressed crap..two contrasts,but the guys with the fresh weed are out there.
i would like to chime in by saying that , when buying commercial weed as i like to call it , there are 3 types .
DIRT- crappy , usually brown , compressed brickweed , does the trick , works in a pinch , can get it cheap .
MID grade or "Middies"- this is usualy the stuff everyone including me smokes . Good decent bud , green , decent taste get ya pretty high.
HIGH TEST "nugs" -this is the stuff that gets you rocked . 2 hits and yer wrecked , cost too much so i dont get it much , looks good , smells good , taste good . probably comes from a good home grower who has alot to get rid of.

homegrown - iv'e had home grown that blew any high test nugs i ever paid 50$ for " out of the water " . Grown by a guy who knows his stuff .
and iv'e smoke home grown that was loose buds , mostly leaf , tasted like crap or grass clippings .

i guess what i'm saying is . it depends on who ya know , where ya get it and how much ya pay for street stuff for it to be any good . Homegrown on the other hand is all up to the genetics of the plant and the abbilities of the grower !!

I doubt this helped any and this is just my opinion , for what it's worth .
A commercial grower is no different than I home grower. The only difference is the amount that is being grown. It all depends on the skill of the grower. If a commercial grower seriously knows his stuff and devotes time and care to his grow he's definitely going to produce some really nice stuff. If a home grower does the same thing he's going to produce some really nice stuff too. If the commercial grower is only concerned with getting it to the street, that's where the lower quality stuff comes from.
I find home grown is often a lot better than any high grade commerical stuff. Not always, but more often than not. Home growers take time with their grows. They grow a lot less and can devote more attention to each individual plant. Not only that, but a lot of the time the grower is trying to do the absolute best he can. A commercial grower is trying to grow some really good bud, but get it out to the streets as fast as possible to make money. This is what causes the quality difference IMO.

Home growers let their buds cure for months/years to really bring out flavor and quality smoke. Not only that, but they invest in quality soils/nutes or make their own nutritious compost mixes.

With most home's all about quality over quantity. I can't say that for everyone, but with me it's certainly true. I would be fine with sacrificing a bit of quantity for excellent quality bud. That's the complete opposite for a commercial grower who is looking to get out the biggest quantity, as fast as possible, and still keep the quality up. Eventually you lose some.
Yea that all makes sense. All of you make excellent points actually. All things to consider. You know what I mean though by everyone talking it up? I just hear a lot of good things about homegrown, and i hear so much bad stuff about 'street'

I also notice that you guys say a lot of stuff like, i like homegrown, because it doesnt have any chemicals in it!!!

What types of chemicals, or unnatural things are you guys talking about that are in 'street' weed, and not your own? LOL, it kinda reminded me of meth or something where some people use drain cleaner or some ish to it.
Well i dont know how far chems go into street weed, but what i do know is ive probably bought some of the best and some of the worst available, and id still rather be sitting her smoking my homegrown.

Some of the worst weed we had was about 3 months ago... I swear it had something bad in it, you'd roll a joint and after about 4 pulls the end would harden up and not toke.. No ammount of grinding, even spreading, extra drying would sort it out, but thats the risk you take handing notes over for something thats illegal.

Unfortunately growing your own comes with greater risk than buying crap gear, but hey, nothing ventured nothing gained right?
I would say homegrown (even though i'm on my first crop) over street anyday. I know a friend growers and I've heard some of their techniques for drying (curing is out of the question). One involved a space heater a makeshift windtunnel and putting the bud at the end of the tunnel. Bud was dried in less than 3 mins.

Their reasoning? You have to dry bud fast when you have 5 trashbags of fluff to sell.
Gods Advocate said:
Yea that all makes sense. All of you make excellent points actually. All things to consider. You know what I mean though by everyone talking it up? I just hear a lot of good things about homegrown, and i hear so much bad stuff about 'street'

I also notice that you guys say a lot of stuff like, i like homegrown, because it doesnt have any chemicals in it!!!

What types of chemicals, or unnatural things are you guys talking about that are in 'street' weed, and not your own? LOL, it kinda reminded me of meth or something where some people use drain cleaner or some ish to it.

you think the street cares for your health? Whatever is cheap to do and solves a problem and is a quick fix is what the grower will do just to get the bud out the door. Plus you don't have to worry about your **** being laced. Although, I doubt anyone would waste their other substances on weed they were selling to get you ****** up.
LOL Im not suggesting that meth actually goes into the street weed. I was just asking what things they put in there that all the senior guys here would call chemicals. Over the past week, ive probably put in 100 hours or more of reading and ive heard quite a put that people prefer homegrown (for many many reasons) BUT on reason thats always on peoples list IS they do like the idea of not knowing whats in their weed. (IE Chemicals) Im still unclear as to what this might mean, but after reviewing everyones answers and some of the forums, the only chemicals i can think of being in the plant would be the fertilizer? Im hypothesizing that the chemicals everyone is talking about comes from not flushing the plants before harvest. Could i be correct? Or are there other chemicals that make it into the veins of our street grown product?
That is a good question. I have never really thought about it much. Other than the questionable products that are being introduced to the root zone. I look at it as if they are referring to fungicides, pesticides etc. that could be used to correct problems such as mold, bugs etc. There are tons of chemicals that are developed solely for flowering plants. But they are not meant to be used on plants that are to be consumed. They are not planning on consuming it themselves, so why would they choose to use something that is safe but not very effective. When they could use something that gives them better results. I have always been a gardener by nature and I use products on roses, that I would never use on my herbs and vegetables. Even though they work much better than some of the safer organic products.
Just my .02

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