Starting cups outgrown

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New Member
Aug 15, 2007
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Hey everyone I have some plants starting out in small plastic cups. I have about 10 small holes around the bottom of each cup. The roots of the seedlings passed through the holes and began to dig into the ground. How can I transplant them into bigger containers without causing any damage or shock?
I agree. Just be as careful as possible. If you tear a couple roots, the plants will be just fine. They have a good established root system. Transplant them asap. Keep us posted. Take care and be safe.
yeah and do it right before it gets dark
i just went through the same issue. be carefull as possible and rest the plants in there final destination. they dont like moving all the time ;)
just put the cup upside down in your hand with the plant stem going through your fingers and tap the bottom of the cup lightly...all the soil should come out with your plant just replant all of it right away into wherever you are putting it...this assures that you wont mess with the roots at all...always worked for me anyways...good luck and let us know how it went

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