Spring Break

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Man..smoking bud hasnt gotten me THAT stupid. I did click on the English, they just provide the statistics and abilities that their product can do. I see nowhere on that page where ican buy it :(
I believe, thanks to mutt, that i found my solution. I didnt think it was possible but it is. this product will help a ton.thanks!
watering is the least of your worries ..Every timer I ever had caused near FIRES melting out all my wires. Anyway I would bury a BIG wet spong in a plastic baggy with pin holes all over it next to the roots or..small plastic water bottle with tiny drip holes poked all over it bury in soil ..never did it but I know someone who knows someone who did it in an outdoor garden
Moved as thread turned into outdoor grow info. ;)
i just posted a thread with the same problem. except i'm at home and not at college. you got brass ones my friend. doesn't ur R.A. find/smell that shit? Anyway....anyone know how to set uo something calle the wick system?? i think its like this.....kinda...you cut long strips of a cotton rag and put one end in water and one end laying on the soil. and supposedly the plant sucking water will **** it through the rag. anyone know what I'm babbaling about??

this site is weird when it comes to sensoring swears. i can say mother fucker but not **** it
Go to home depot, get some drip ends, the kindwith the little adjustment knob on top, real cheap, some drip line, real cheap, put them into some kind of container make it higher than the plants, adjust the knob as needed to not flood it out, you could do it all for like 15 bucks.
There are plenty of ways to do it, a little motivation and less griping will go a long way.

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