soaking seeds is only beneficial if they are from OLD stock, meaning years old and have been in storage, just about everything you would order from sites like attitude and such are usually fresh seeds so there is no need to do a soak, the reason for the soak with old seeds its to hydrate them since they are old and no longer have a good reserve of moisture inside the seed. personaly i will give them a very quick soak and i mean i pop the seeds into a small glass of distilled water for about 5min tops, and ill move them from the water into a moistened rapid rooter or moistened soil and let them do their thing, after about 2 or 3 days they should have their heads outta the rapid rooter/soil and the fun begins... iv had friends who swore by the 24hr soak but they average about 75% germ rate or less where as i usualy get 100%, this is because they soaked fresh seeds and in doing so the cells inside the seed soaked up too much water and ruptured thus making the seed a dud, its just like if you stay in a pool for hours and hours eventually your skin will break open from being water logged, same goes for the seeds, so unless the seeds your using are old i would recommend AGAINST a 24 hour soak and just go with a simple 5min soak and streight into a moistened medium of your choosing (rapid rooters are my fav for starting seeds and clones). it is in my opinion important to not do a 24 hour soak, i hate seeing people lose quality seeds from over soaking, remember only OLD seeds like 2 years or older need a soaking, fresh seeds do NOT!