Well-Known Member
I guess they could be a "date rape" drug, but only if you wanted to have sex with a warm vegetable.
Q: What is the hardest part about eating a vegetable?
A: Getting her out of her wheelchair...
I guess they could be a "date rape" drug, but only if you wanted to have sex with a warm vegetable.
I remember the urinals in bars being full of those rappers in the 70's. (mandrax) I thought them superior to Roher least after they became Lemon 714 anyway. Was there really a difference? IDK, dose was all 300 mils. Parest, Soper, and others. The creme de la creme were the Placidils. Small round gell cap, squeezy rubberlike. medium sized oblong, and the pinacol, the big honking green 750 mil. Around 18 yrs a good friend tore up his parents house on a bender. They put him in a mental health facility to dry out. He was a big boy and could fight like hell. He said the first thing that happened was a nurse gave him a pill. Big green 750 Placidil. Thank you may I have another?That was what they called them in the USA. In the UK the name was Mandrax. Absolutely appalling stuff. Shuts down the brain. There was this guy we all called "Mandy John" because he was on them all the time. He was so out of it, that he took a couple of minutes to speak one sentence. Like:
"Hey man... (10 sec) ... I found ... (10 sec) a really good ... (10sec) com...bin...ation." (proceeded to explain how he took one, waited half an hour, took another, then some benzos, and so on.) If you didn't manage to get rid of him in the first ten minutes he would vomit on your carpet and pass out. A complete degenerate. The UK gov ended up banning them from prescription, thank goodness.
.....only because it is so difficult to acquire fresh peyote buttons or those big horse caps of blue mescaline mmmmmmmmmm......