Loola, thanks for taking the time to find our GJ... lol. Thanks for the mojo too, we can always use more good mojo.
WoW that's a lot of CFLs in a small space... how do you keep temp 'normal'???
As for the UFO, we love it so far, however we are pretty new to this so we'll see how we feel many grows down the road.
Really glad to have someone starting at the same time as us. How long have you been using DWC??? And do you like it? Our 1st grow ended in root rot, any tips on how to avoid/prevent that this time?? We have already gotten a larger more powerfull air pump to try to circulate water more, and a larger reservoir so that there is more water to move around. We kind of thought the rot was due to 'stagnent' water???
Thanks again, we hope to learn a lot from this site (& you)... OH, so you don't think we're crazy, when we write WE it's my wife and me.

:fly: :48: