well if that is the case dont bother doing jack to your water... unless you have very hard water then you gotta do something to get that added salt out... otherwise in organics the microbes and fungi regulate the pH around the plant as they break down nutes in the soil... just part of their daily jobs..., ooh i still recommend that you gas off your water since you are using tap water... let it aerate for at least 24-48 hours to allow a vast majority of chlorine in the water to gas off, also you might want to look into your local water supplier and see what the levels of Chloromine are in your local tap water... if it is high you might have to swap from tap to bottled, personally my local tap water has a bit of Chloromine in it but not high enough for me to really care, and my plants are doing just fine... reason i say to check the Chloromine levels of your water is because unlike chlorine, Chloromine does NOT gas off out of the water like chlorine via aeration/standing... it can only be boiled out, which is a total pain since it takes so long...
just some food for though, but im sure youll be ok with what you have if you just let it gas off for a day or 2 before using it.
i personally LOVE organics... best way to grow imo, so much LESS attention to small details like pH, Organics is more like plug and play, its all ready to go and does many things for you... i just love it, plus the taste is off the charts, my buddy grows hydro, yes he gets hella faster veg but the taste just isnt as strong and wonderful as organic grows...