Brothers Grunt.
You are right to declare war on the "War on Drugs" what you need
is a video camera. When there is a bust at any Bong store or grow
op. Take your Video camera. Put the narcs faces up on the net for
us all to see. They video us, so we should video them.
The "Rodney King Picture" would have done nothing. It was video
that changed things.
I used my DVD Camcorder to catch cheats at Election Forums.
They have Plants with questions for their candidates. Excluding
the others.
In 1993 I ran in the YellowHead riding here and painted my head
yellow for each forum. I got tired of seeing the same creeps travelling
with their candidates asking "Plant" questions.
I'll post some of that old video. With politicians the cheating starts
right at the lowest level, the forums.