Rusty spots

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hey guys this are the new ones hit me back on them later guys










well, there lookin pretty good on the recovery, the damage done will stay till, new growth replaces it. nice and green, in the one pic, is that a side branch or is there 2 in one pot?
hi there,
yeh there looking good, the co2 can only help the plants, so i'd say thats a good idea. my plants have taken a turn for the worse 1 of them has turned hermi on me and i suspect 2 others, i'm gonna chop one right now. i'll let you know how it goes.
:bong: yes there is 2 on a pot i love when i said the word pot it only on pic num 6 from top to bottom i found i little fly this morning on my box but i spray my babys with water and two drops of dish soap I think theres no problem with that even if I keep spray them with the saltany sugestion on that welcome and herbijesus i am sorry to heard that about your babys i know you do not supppose to water them on this stage but you can water them with 3 table spoon of epsom salt on a gallon of water if you going to loose your crop it will be nice to try i will post some pics later today and guys thank you verymuch for your help and support if its up to me i will die with them thankyou my friends ho herby i am looking foward to see the new pic of yours maybe if you post them you will get more help later guys :bong:
hi there bud,
i sprayed my plants yesterday and today with epsom, hopefully that will help. i think there going to be o.k, i'm just over 4 weeks into flower and the buds are looking good, it's just the fan leaves that are effected by dry spots. anyways heres a couple of pics. catch you later :cool: oh yeh what lights do you use?
here it is this are my babys gettin ready to get a bath i had to spray the little devil with ortho home and garden protection because the little mother fukrs flies there were on my box I notice they were not in the plants they were on the soil anyways I spray them with the ortho and wait 1 hour and 1/2 I took everything out of the box and spray everythin in there i havent see no signs of the little mother fukrs and about the lights they are 6 flourescent tube 4 feet long with 2 aquarium and garden flourescent tube 18 inch each one for a total of 20,000 lumens and when the get to flowering it a 400 watts hps switchable to metal halide but i need the mh bulb so the way now is flourescent theres is a pic of it well time it up i have to give my babys a bath later guys i hope everything is doing fine for your babys










hi there buddy, i was wondering where you had got to !!!
one of my plants got realy bad, it's dried up. i think its from when i over fed them about 3 weeks ago. i'm hoping they will just last to harvest now. i'll put up a pic later.
how are your babys doing?
and did you try the co2?
:48: yes a try the co2 is working perfect it stink a little but any for my babys im sorry to hear from your little devil i heard the whe they get bad on the fan leaf cut them because the plant waste alot of energy trying to support the leaf so that a tip for your other ones before they get very bad:48:




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