You can *** your plants quick by taking that clone and putting it in 12/12, should show *** pretty quick. I think the guys here do that pretty often.
I am pretty sure the first little nanner for a male grows at the same place as the calix does, right between the stem leaf joint, or node. Then the flower develops and hangs down a few more of the nanners. The nanners also have a ridge on them, and the calix does not (it has the point and pistel), smooth for female, ridge on male (the ridge is where the male flower opens, kinda looks like what a lily petals will look like as it develops into a bud).
You say you have not checked the other strain you started from seed? You might want to do that, for fun, no stress here. This one we are looking at is a bit late, maybe the other strain is more on time? I remember seeing *** between four and five weeks or forth to fifth node.
It is a beautiful sun shiny day here, hope you are getting sun too.