Thanks for the responses, all. I hate to resort to anything not green, and I don't spend $30 a bag on soil to see bugs fly out of it. But that's what I find, no matter what I use, whether it's local, FFOM or Roots. If there is a "clean" mix I have yet to find it. All the bags have air holes in them; bugs get in there, at least here in our desert climate. But usually they are simply fungus gnats, and those are so easy to control. Never had anything this nasty though, not ever.
I'm willing to use it on my veg room plants, but what about those I have very close to harvest now? I can't even flush my plants, just takes too much water and I have to carry water since our tap water is way high in PH. So I have come to bypass nutes that require flushing before harvest. These are too close to harvest to destroy, and they aren't bothering the buds any, so must have been a late infestation to get the pop-can sized colas I have. Couple others that came in later are really sparse looking though, especially the #1 Exodus Cheese and that breaks my heart, as I wanted those so much.
So if I just let these go through to harvest WITHOUT using the chemical drench, would that make sense? But use the drench on the vegging plants? Then hold the vegging plants I normally keep pulling into the flower room to have a continuous grow, keeping them in veg longer until I clean the room out completely after harvest?
SO much conflicting info out there. And I just read Rosenthal's suggestions, where he says no single product will eradicate them, takes the two used one after another to break the cycle. Gets pretty confusing.
Wet Dog, yes, I'm cloning. Just trying to save what I can now, so I don't get stuck without meds. I don't want to have to go back on the pharmaceuticals to make it through a half year without cannabis, while a new grow gets going.
I remember 3 years ago, when I thought getting a HERMIE was just the worst most awful thing that could ever ever happen. ROFLMAO!
Oh, I do so want to have at least one "boring" grow someday, where nothing bad happens. Somebody send me some Green Mojo!!!