RiskTakers stealth lowryder 2 Grow

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if you germ them in 2 weeks that will put you in the begning of october that will give you a good 4 to 5 weeks for veg untill we really start losing more and more light each day

and yes you can grow LR2s outdoors year round depending were you live of course .and with us being Florida BoYz we can def get away with growing outside year round and the further down south you are in florida the warmer it gets in the later months
ya im in the deep deep south like a couple hours south of orlando :) lucky us! so do u think i should grow some low ryders outside or buy a different strain and veg it for that 5 weeks and let it flower? which would give me more yield a five week old plant, or a full grown lowryder?
well a full grown lowryder is not gonna produce a really big yeild unless you got Richy b Green thumb:) god bless ya Richy. only if you plan on growing like 10 or so of them at the same time.so if you plan on using a nother strain then i would probley go that rout cuz even if you veg that strain for 5 weeks its still gonna flower for like a nother 8 and keep growing that entire time ther for a way bigger yeild

i llove LR2s becuz of the quick gorw time and by the time 1 crop is done ill have a nother 4 weeks behind that 1 for a quick turn around
haha ya i know of a bunch of great places to scatter a bunch of lowryders so i could just keep planting and planting and planting haha. but also a question is it possible to clone lowryders?
umm from what i have read its not possible to clone LR2s but all you need is to keep 1 male around collect some pollen from the little sucker store it in a safe place.then just pollenate 1 of your females and presto you got all the seeds you need for yrs to come

and that link you posted dident work
rle how many seeds could i get from pollinating one female? and ok sounds good but do u know of a g ood link or anything for storing/ pollinating other plants?
thers really no way to tell for shure how maney seeds you can get from 1 female but trust me it will be enough to grow as maney plants as you need. Collecting pollen/fertilization: the easy way- 1,2,3!

this should hel its the same method i used and i just store my pollen in a little zip baggy and then store the baggy in a pill bottle
K and u dnt gota put it in a fridge or anythn? How long can the pollen last?
OK WELL ITS UP DATE TIME here are a few more LR2s i have been growing these outside during the day and bringing them inside at night under the 150 watt Hps hope ya like

I f you pollinate one ore two branches (lower ones) on a couple of plants once you see they are good females I have gotten over 100 seeds off 3 branches.
This way the rest of the plant stays good for smoking and you get plenty of seeds.
If you pollinate the entire plant tons of seeds but the smoke would not be as good.
I think MP has a good section on pollinating, seeds and crosses.
I am going to start a journal today with my females and the several males that are dropping pollen now.
I have some autos growing and autos males for pollen.
I bought some fem purple strains that I plan to do male auto with female purple.
It will take several times to get stable but I think I can do I
@ least I hope New area for me!!

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