Responces about the Vote for "Letter to the President" LEGALIZE MARIJUANA.

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hah, dudes. i think we should all make shirts and sell them for one dollar profit each shirt sold. have like a big potleaf on the from and says Legalize Marijuana. and on the back a bit of details. that would be tight.
i wouldnt say original. people make shirts for everything now adays. but people will wear the shirts and people will see and read the shirts and be like hey. im in!
I'm a new member and I was thrilled to read this for my first thread. Count me in and I will spread the word to all I know. Please keep this event up to date very interested in outcome!
My letter is going to go out. I composing it today. Same laws as alcohol......My land is my land and I pay the taxes on my retirement disability payments.........I suffer physically ever day of my life, days I can barely walk. I never miss a payment on my home and never go with insurance. I am a solid paying citizen who goes without buying a bunch of bad stock. Let me smoke and grow my own week without persecution. I am a free American. I not writing this letter to whine about my ancestry.........(Thats in the PAST).......I am your FUTURE....

Think about all the jobs it will create for your country you so claim to love, although it did take Mrs. Obama a while to say she was proud of her country. There are thousands of growers in every State of this Nation. Already experts in their field. This will create a business for the legitimate MJ growers. It will be a newfound legtimate business alongside the horticultural business community. A creation of new taxes......just like the addictive alcohol the government lets us poison itself with.

So if you love this Country Mr. President, help the people of your nation regain their right to enjoy God's given herb.

It was smoked and used as medicinal medicine in EGYPT........I thinks that one of our allies isn't ?? The Indians even knew of its medical qualities as being effective.

:eek: :eek: :eek: guys, maybe I should go into politics. I get so peeved sometimes. But then, I'll just roll me one.
hella sick i like what your doing. i'll help spread the word. Obama seems like he would listen to something like this. hell he got the feds off our back in Cali.
well peace out stoners
Thats a damn good letter man, It's pretty well written. I hope it goes down well with Mr. Obama, especially with the Fed thing in Cali
Hey guys, I'm new here and would like to give you my two (or three?) cents on this letter idea.

The deadline set is far away, which is a good thing. This allows for more time to get the word out. In this thread we should not be focussing on the amount of letters we send, we should instead be focussing on getting the word out to supporters of legalization everywhere to write letters. We could focus all effort on 1000 letters coming from MP, or instead we could focus all effort on getting the word out, leading to a LOT more.

An idea like this is something big, and thus it should be coming from as much of the online marijuana community as possible. We need to be contacting NORML, MPP, LOM, and especially other forums just like this one. At least for this summer, this should be our NUMBER ONE priority in this thread. After unifying more websites than just this one, it will go from being a little thing in a little corner of the internet to a driven agenda powered by hundreds of pro-legalization websites all over the web. AFTER this occurs, we can begin to work on making this a mainstream thing.

So what to do right now? Find out everyone in charge at organizations such as NORML and MPP. Email them, personal message them, whatever you can do to get them to get on board with the plan. Make the emails personal, and stress the importance of a unified online marijuana community.
Once you do this, it would be great if you could post here saying that you did so we get an idea of who has contacted who.

The next step would be to hit the forums. I'm sure there are many many marijuana forums out there, it is just a matter of googling them, signing up, and creating threads regarding the letters. If you do this, reply here saying you did so that we get an idea of which forums are being covered.

I hope you guys are as avid about spreading the word online as you are about writing the letters yourselves!

Best of luck,
I'm in, although I do it on a regular basis already. Any more ideas on this subject? Has anyone contacted any of the above mentioned organizations yet? Is there a way that can be set up to easily track who has contacted who? I also think everyone should contact all of their local and state reps at the same time. Have all your letters ready to go at the same time. I think bombarding every elected rep in the country at the same time would start a real BUZZ. (pun intended) :)

I would be willing to help write letters for any one that needs the help. Even if is just proof reading.
212 Days until we all mail our letters.

If done together on the same day, the effect may be one that gets noticed by the media.

One more voice, one more time.

Thanks to all who take the time to help.

Here's a copy of the letter. It's way back on post number 11, so I thought it might help to bring it forward.

The letter doesn't need to be formal or in a business format. It needs only to contain a clear statement that you think marijuana should be legal for people who wish to use it and that growing it for your own personal use should also be allowed. As long as those two ideas are clear in it, then that will make it clear.

As for the address of the White House...

The President of the United States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Mr. President,

I am a citizen of the United States of America, of voting age, and I wish to make my opinion clear to you about the laws in our country concerning marijuana usage.

I firmly believe that marijuana should be legal to use and governed by the same laws that concern alcohol consumption.

I also believe that a private citizen should be able to grow their own marijuana in an amount sufficient to supply them with enough for their own personal use.

Please, Mr. President, enough of our county's resources have been wasted on the futile effort to control the use of this harmless plant. Enough of our citizens have suffered legal action as a result of using this plant.

Please use your Executive Powers to stop the senseless persecution of the citizens who choose to use this plant for both medical relief of pain and suffering as well as a method of mild, relaxing, recreational enjoyment.

If commercial production were to be allowed, controlled and taxed for sale to the public in the same manner as alcohol, the revenue produced from the jobs created and the profits from it's legal and taxed sale would also help our country revive from this recession.

Thank you for your attention to this needless waste of the taxpayers money, the Governments resources and billions of dollars that could be better used in other venues.



You have said nothing about using or growing marijuana yourself. You have not implicated yourself as a user or grower. This is important.

Please hand print this clearly. Take your time and make it very legible and easy to read. This is also important.

Thank you all,

wats so great bout the date 212 days from now?
i dotn read much on politics or anything really sorry.
I don't believe sending letters to the president or federal government would do too much because just a few months ago while obama was giving a speech and answering questions online the number 1 question asked was if legalizing marijuana would help the economy and he pretty much blew it off as a kids joke. sending letter to local state houses and representatives in mass will probably do more than the other way because the fed makes way too much money from the war on drugs to let that go. It wouldn't hurt it might say something to them in the back of the heads but i wouldn't do that alone. send them to judges courthouses and any other local or state authority figures.
zipflip said:
wats so great bout the date 212 days from now?
i dotn read much on politics or anything really sorry.
It's the anniversary of the Presidents inauguration into that office.

Anslinger420 said:
the fed makes way too much money from the war on drugs to let that go.
Maybe you know something I don't. I'm under the impression that the federal government and the taxpayers of the USA lose BILLIONS of dollars each year because of the so-called "War on Drugs".

Would you tell me how the federal Government is making money on it?
StoneyBud said:
It's the anniversary of the Presidents inauguration into that office.

Maybe you know something I don't. I'm under the impression that the federal government and the taxpayers of the USA lose BILLIONS of dollars each year because of the so-called "War on Drugs".

Would you tell me how the federal Government is making money on it?

How do you think they pay for all of their secret projects? Ever hear of AREA 51? LOL:)
I send letters every month to our reps and senators for W#ashington state I even go as far as telling them about the plant and whats it's good for i even send them sites for good information about weed . the problems I see is they are stupid and need to be informed with good info not the hog wash propaganda the government tells them. I send them sites for studies and easy reading . it might not do any good but the way I see it it can't hurt . the more informed they are the better are chances the real bitch in washington state is senator patty murray she needs to go period but I still send her stuff every month . the way I see it is maybe they will get tired of me sending them stuff that they will agree or at least get some education out of it . if it is at all possible to teach them anything
viper1951 said:
I send letters every month to our reps and senators for W#ashington state I even go as far as telling them about the plant and whats it's good for i even send them sites for good information about weed . the problems I see is they are stupid and need to be informed with good info not the hog wash propaganda the government tells them. I send them sites for studies and easy reading . it might not do any good but the way I see it it can't hurt . the more informed they are the better are chances the real bitch in washington state is senator patty murray she needs to go period but I still send her stuff every month . the way I see it is maybe they will get tired of me sending them stuff that they will agree or at least get some education out of it . if it is at all possible to teach them anything
That's an interesting point of view. I wonder who actually reads the letters you send and if they simply have you listed on the "trash" list. Mail rooms all have trash lists that they use. If you're on it, your letters never get opened, just thrown in the barrel.

The effort I'm making is to possibly get the media involved. If the flow of letters is sufficient to get someones attention at the quantity, a person in the flow might contact the media with an interest story. If the letters mount into the millions, I can't see it doing anything but that. I doubt many will even be read beyond basic content, but D.C. Big-Wigs have a habit of taking vote counts from their mail. Some lower level person opens, briefly reads enough to tell content, and then marks it down and throws it in a pile.

*IF*, and that's a big *IF*, enough letters arrive that are "Pro-legalization", then it might make a point to the media who would be the ones who actually bring it into the spotlight, if it ever makes it that far.

I'm pretty pessimistic about how D.C. works. That's a hard-nosed bunch of people who really don't care about much beyond their own paycheck. If you can interest them in something and make them *WORRY* that it might somehow affect their paycheck later, THEN you have their attention. These are people who will murder and eat kittens and puppies. They pretty much have hearts of stone and minds like cash drawers.

Waiting for a politician to "Do the right thing" is like waiting for a pyromaniac to pass you a fire extinguisher. It might happen, but only if you promise him a thousand more fires.

We'll see at the end of this coming January if this effort produces anything.

My letter will be written and mailed on January 20th, 2010. For it to have full impact, all the letters need to be mailed on the same day.
maybe send the first wave of letters in Sept or October b/c Congressman Barney Frank introduced H.R. 2835 to re-schedule cannabis. maybe the letters could help sway undecided lawmakers to vote for H.R. 2835.

if HR 2835 isnt brought up or it doesnt pass then send the second wave of letters on Jan 10, 2010.

im not trying to change things mid stream but its just a suggestion.
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