snuggles said:Mirrors could be on the list but not too high up on it...mirrors absorb a lot of light also.
I'm quoting myself, cause I'm wrong. At least I think I am. I have been looking into it and I get two answers
1. Mirrors absorb light
2. Mirrors don't absorb light
LOL, anyone here have a 100% correct answer? I always recalled from school, that mirrors absorbed light and reflected it...could be wrong though it's been a while LOL. So now I am even more confused then before. I know colors absorb light, and there is color in reflections so doesn't some of the light get absorbed?
One thing I do know is in my Grow Bibles it says mirrors aren't good for grow room reflection, but they can be wrong...we all know that LOL. Best grades go to White Paint, Panda and Mylar in my books.