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I have not measured my ec since my first grow and then I only checked my tap water. I would bet though that it should be high coming out of the root ball just because the plants waste is in the run off. Btw - plants must like you. Getting buds to look like that in your first try. They say that buds put on the majority of their weight in the last couple of weeks so those will be some massive buds! Another sign you are done I have heard is when the hairs recede into the calyxes. Like tom petty says 'the waiting is the hardest part'...
Hey I ve just looked at the dates again. flowering period started 9 weeks ago.(6 nov not nov19 as i iniatially thought).

Old Fogey how was the quality of the smoke made from your plants?

I m tempted to distill some concentrated orange juice in one of the plants just few hours before harvest. Some say flavouring the buds is possible using this technique and is quite appreciated. Any info on this?
Papa jane . Do you have a Link to that method?
From all my reading I have done that sounds like an urban legend to me. If it was true I'd be dumping tangerine juice on the Tangie
I think the hemp goddess said it on one of my posts asking about flavor. We use manure as a fertilizer but the plants don't taste like manure. I have been told the mojority of flavor is due to genetics. Not sure I am sold on that but I think my grows have been from less than great genetics. The taste is not what I was hoping for. It is good. The buzz is really, really, uh, I mean really good. Your buds look like they will be similar. Never tried oj concentrate but I would not risk your work like that. Might be something to try someday on a plant or two but I bet your plants will be quite enjoyable without it.
Old fogey it is genetics ,properly grown and properly cured pot that tastes and smells awesome. No magic trick will beat that.
Not sure if I answered but the quality of my smoke from my first grow was way better than anything available locally. My sons are legendary for what they have compared to what their buddies get.
I hear you, dank. I just have had 3 grows of 5 different strains all taste quite similar. I gotta think some of it is my method. However, I note that the flavor is better at 6 months of cure so my dry/cure could be suspect. I might be jarring too early. Story of my life ;) ....
Dank unfortunately the article speaking about giving a taste is not in English. However it is arguing that pouring concentrated aromas just before harvest will give a 'slight taste' to the bud. However once must be careful with the extra sugars when drying as those are not good when burnt. I have only read this once so not really sure how accurate this is. Maybe i ll try it only on one plant to see.

On another note I have yet to see any amber trichs so i keep watering them with no added nutes at ph 6.0.
I'd be wary that it would mess up the harvest. You are so close to finishing what looks like a really nice grow. I would wait until your next grow and then only try it on one plant where you have another plant just like it that you don't do it to. You will be happy the longer you wait though. I think I harvested one plant about a week earlier than the second one and I got 4 oz from the earlier one and 6 from the later plant.
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Papajane are you flushing them before harvest? Is the run off coming out as 6.0 PH
I'd be wary that it would mess up the harvest. You are so close to finishing what looks like a really nice grow. I would wait until your next grow and then only try it on one plant where you have another plant just like it that you don't do it to. You will be happy the longer you wait though. I think I harvested one plant about a week earlier than the second one and I got 4 oz from the earlier one and 6 from the later plant.

I ll take your advice on that one, unless someone else have tried it successfully.

Papajane are you flushing them before harvest? Is the run off coming out as 6.0 PH

I have flushed two pots of the three pots 2 days ago the PH from the run off was 6.2. However the EC was still quite high EC 1.13 (790 PPM)
But I have yet to see amber trichs so I ll be waiting a bit longer
interesting read papajane. it sounds like the author has done the flavoring immediately before harvesting and also one cautions against it in a couple of different places. now if i could find a flavor extract of the thai stick i smoked back in the 70's...
This is just my personal opinion, but I have used the "flavor additives" before, and I found them to be a waste of time and money. Then I had to wonder what I was breathing into my lungs when I smoked it. Grow healthy, happy plants, dry them slow enough to allow proper breakdown of the chlorophylls but not so slow that they mildew. Then cure the same way, slowly and carefully, and you will get the best flavor the plants can produce.
ditto hushpuppy, with the strains and flavors available, I just do not see why you would want to taint what nature intended.. Seems there is a strain out there for any flavor you can name.:vap-leafy_wave:
ditto hushpuppy, with the strains and flavors available, I just do not see why you would want to taint what nature intended.. Seems there is a strain out there for any flavor you can name.:vap-leafy_wave:
Yep indeed! Won t be testing those either....

On another note it seems two of my girls (the two on the right) are not faring that well. Not entirely sure what it could be as they received as much care and love than the others. However they are both in the same pot which can be no coincidence....

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How many weeks in flower are they? IF they are about to be done, then nothing, but if you are taking them longer I would feed what ever you have been feeding.
Entering the tenth week. The girls in the left (big) pot are almost done (I think) but I have yet to see some amber trichs so keep watering them at PH 6.0.

Ok will feed the two hungry girls a bit more. thanks Rosebud.

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