Hi there DJ thanks for calling in man ! Unfortunatly or fortunatly the m8 pulled the hermie he lives to close to me to risk having 9 more herms ! But the ditch master reverse is definatly noted for reference ! Thanks DJ ! The reason his plant hermied was due to going from my house having 10. 5 hrs direct sun ..To his house and getting 3 hrs direct sun ! Maybe something was learnt regarding this happening again ! I certainly hope so ! The herm ( clone ) came from the same mother as all of the plants in my journal ! So the seed genes is no problem ! I was a bit worried for a while but now the evidence is positive results ! Peace and take care ! :48:DonJones said:Purplehaze,
If you don't already know about it, using Ditch Master REVERSE on the hermie as soon as possible will keep it from pollinating and will also kill any seeds that have started to form. That will let your mate finish it out and save the smoke even though it is a plant that probably should NOT be kept alive.