Heyy I’m looking for some pruning or training tips/ideas for these gals. They’ve got a lot going on n I’ll be flipping them to flower soon. Thanks!
Lol I thought I had defoliated these a week or so ago... and I thought I had taken out a lotThe ones you describe as bushy might be a good field trial of a little defoliation. Go easy at first. You'll get a feel for it.
Thanks I’m working my way through Cervantes growing Bible. There’s A LOT to soak inDefoliation is good. If you think you over did it, you probably didn’t. The plants fill back in pretty well. Like hippy said though, watch some videos. If it looks suspect, it probably is. Being that this is your first grow, less of any of the options(LST, defoliation, etc) is better. Keep goo notes on what you do, what works and what doesn’t. I know that doesn’t sound helpful but again, as hippy said, these plants will grow from a crack in a sidewalk. Big’s advice to trim the lower leaves and stems are good practice as well. Those will not give you much of anything by harvest time. Your plants look good. Looks like one of your plants may have been in the corner of your tent. I rotate my plants to even out the structure. Get one griw under your belt and read, read, read. Any problems, ask as soon as you see them. People on here have seen it all.
Gonna have to get my big girl pants on lol that looks drastic. Can you take off fan leaves in the middle of the plant to create more space? Does having that space really matter? My biggest concern is that there are so many colas tucked away in the bushy foliage that might not amount to much and take away from each otherhey there
cut off the bottom three nodes of fan leaves and flower stems
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chicken food
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I pinched the stems early in veg, I got space to grow up but running out of area my light can handlePinch the stem and it will slow down upward growth.
Thank youyes you can remove some of the bigger fan leaves
this allows better light penetration and improves air circulation which helps reduce the chances of mold
one can remove about 20%-30% of the leaves and it will not have any negative consequences on photosynthesis
one can also remove the small inner lower bud sites , just pinch them off , and this will allow the outer colas to get bigger…..some call it lollipoping
all the best