Pot Belly's Last Bagseed Grow

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Pot Belly

Jul 12, 2007
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Hey everyone! Just wanted to get the wheels rolling again on another little micro grow.

This really may not be my last attempt at bagseeds. I just got some Afghan #3 seeds that will be started soon.

My first attempt with bagseed taught me many things: Lighting, ventilation, nutes, and genetics. This grow will have all the improvements defined except for genetics. Who knows what strain these are, but that's kinda the fun in it anyway.

There are two seedlings I started with paper towel method in plastic zip lock bag. Both plants are two separate strains I got from two different sacks of weed.

Germinated them and put them in MG soil. Immediately, one of the seedlings began to burn and leaf edges curled up. About the same time, my order of FF nutes and soil arrived, so a quick transplant brought it back from the "dead".

A link to the original thread with pics for these seedlings is found here: http://www.marijuanapassion.com/forum/showthread.php?t=17086

They are vegging 24 Hrs under a 70 watt MH.
Nutes - FF line of products.

I will be taking cuttings from both plants, and flowering to determine sex for a potential mother if the strain is a good producer for my micro-grow.

Here they are at 19 days old. The first one is the recovered one. The second one looks like a nice short fat indica.

Any input is welcome, and thanks for stopping in.






So what do you think their max height will be?
So what do you think their max height will be?

Thanks for pulling up a chair, whoawhoa:)

Well, knowing that these babies want to really grow 10 to 15 feet, I want to grow no higher than 30".

Many will say that the plant is not designed to grow like (a micro-grow), and they are mostly true.

It will take trial and error to develop the technique and find the right strain and pheno for a low grow. A true 100% pure indica would be my best bet. Something I have to look forward to on my next grow with the Afghani's.


i was able to get about 12 inches out of my 16oz grow with very little smokeable.

I neglected it horribly though. You may want to search out some of TBG's grows in the cups.

anyway i dont think height will be a problem if left in the cup. Is that your intention? you may want to bottom feed them as well.

best of luck
Hey Pot, nice job on those. I got some bag seeds going also. Best of luck, I can't wait to see the Afghani grow. :)
Thanks PotBelly... microgrowing is kinda interesting. I think I might give it a try sometime.

I'm sure the plant doesn't like being so tiny, but... we need weed. :aok:

*thanks for the tip AGU*
allgrownup said:

i was able to get about 12 inches out of my 16oz grow with very little smokeable.

I neglected it horribly though. You may want to search out some of TBG's grows in the cups.

anyway i dont think height will be a problem if left in the cup. Is that your intention?

Micro grow - My impression of a micro grow is growing in a way that alters a plant to grow in a limited space, and allow it to perform the job it was meant to do. Special pruning techniques and LST are the only way to alter the plant to fit in the space.

I am planning to transplant to a 1.5 gal container with FF OF soil for my grow medium. She won't be neglected as this is my bud for smokin'. Will end up growing 1 plant in my 3 square foot flowerbox when I find the right variety and pheno.

Thanks for checking in everyone!

Hey growers-

It's been 12 days since transplant from seed tray to 16 oz cups with FF soil.......... 22 days from breaking ground........

Roots are vigorous both plants. Lower leaves starting to turn light green. Went ahead and gave them a shot of nutes this morning for the first time.

Will soon be time to get into larger volume pots.


Transplanted them into some new pots this morning....

Getting ready to plant two of my Afghani beans, and get them rolling. I am thinking about putting the Afghans from seed and these two on 12/12.

I may not do clones this grow, but grow these to flower. Still figuring....

This pic, these seedlings are 24 days old.


Here are the pic updates on the two seedlings (saplings). They are 29 days from breaking ground. They are also given identical treatment, light, nutes, etc....

The one plant burnt by the MG soil has shot out of the ground after transplant to new container and FF soil. They are both at their 10th internode with no signs of sex yet.......... No alternating nodes as of yet. Plenty of clones available already from the side shoots on the taller plant. One plant is growing tall at a quick rate while the other is remaining compact. Each plant has its own 70 watt HPS light with a distance of 4 to 5 inches from the bulb.

Started 12/12 cycle 4 days ago. Using FF Big Bloom @ 1/2 dose. Will increase to full dose next week.





Looking really nice PB!! Are the Afghani's sprouted yet? Looking forward to watching this grow! :)
Rdrose said:
Are the Afghani's sprouted yet? Looking forward to watching this grow! :)

Hi Rose.....

Glad you stopped by to visit. I have not germed my Afghani's yet. I will be starting them very soon.

It seems like there is a big interest out there to see the Afghani's. This may be what I need to hear to get in gear for the grow. These plants, I don't want to go to waste.

Found alternating nodes on both plants this morning. They are on the side shoot of growth near a low node off of the main stem.

So at 30 days from breaking ground or 4 weeks, these plants are mature with alternating nodes. Day 5 of bloom or 12/12 cycle...........

Soon it will be time to get out the eye loupe and look for pistils.:joint:

Your ladies(hopefully) look great cant wait for mine to get that size. Pot, Im also ueing FF OF soil, and i think they like it alot. Did you get the tri-pack of the FF nutes aswell. I see you said you waz useing big bloom. ANyway keep them plants healthy and strong and keep up the good work
Pot Belly said:
I will be starting them very soon.

It seems like there is a big interest out there to see the Afghani's. This may be what I need to hear to get in gear for the grow. These plants, I don't want to go to waste.


I hear ya, PB! I know you will get to it when the time is right ;) .
BluntFullOfKush said:
Your ladies(hopefully) look great cant wait for mine to get that size. Pot, Im also ueing FF OF soil, and i think they like it alot. Did you get the tri-pack of the FF nutes aswell. I see you said you waz useing big bloom.

Hey Blunt...........

Thanks for stopping in.......

The taller one is way too tall for me I'm afraid. We'll see how "it " turns out. I'm hoping the compact one is a girl at least for sure.......

Which tri-pack do you mean? Grow Big, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom, or the solubles which is Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, and Cha Ching?

I got Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom with FF OF soil. Did not get Grow Big or the others. I use a basic nitrogen feed for veg cycle that works wonders for the greenery, and have not been convinced that the "solubles" are worth the effort..........


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