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Me to brother.

Opiates are bad for some humans it seems to make them lose their ****** minds so beware and tread lightly.
a lot of things are bad for people with weak minds and constitutions...I've done as much as most or mebbe more of bad things and was never a not able to walk away...never done meth and can't imagine the challenge getting sober off that crap...
I love poppy seed bagels. I was told by my boss at the time that I'd pop positive for opioids by eating them off the gut buggy five days a week.
We had guys in the FD that popped hot for opium in piss tests
Not a one did drugs, turned out to be the piss test was so sensitive it was picking up on poppy seed bagels if you ate more than a few of them. It happened to me, almost got fired. Others did,and some even got their jobs back after yrs of being fired.

Quick Overview of Growing Poppies Indoors​

  • Make sure to start with pots that have good drainage, poppies are very susceptible to root rot.
  • Growing poppies can either be easy or incredibly difficult, depending on what type of poppy seeds you’ve planted.
  • Many poppies are considered toxic to humans and pets. Be careful to keep your pets away from these plants as ingestion can lead to a variety of issues.
  • Poppy seeds grow best when exposed to cold conditions for a few weeks before planting.
  • Poppies generally like full sunlight, but cooler temperatures make them excellent for indoor growing.
  • Different varieties can be annuals or perennials, check the variety so you know when they should bloom and their growth patterns.
  • In some places, poppies may be illegal due to their association with illicit drugs. While typically legal for ornamental purposes, you should always double-check before planting.
The ‘stratifying’ of the seeds may be why a lot of poppy seeds don’t pop. Milkweed needs this too.
Do you have to do anything special to grow them indoors lighting-wise?
No. I have done small ones in gallon pot in flower tent. They don't bloom like weed, based on shorter hours, it's just a timer like thing. Outdoors, they can get sizable with multiple heads. Lots of nitrogen later in life as dragon heads form. I used fish ferts. Takes nitrogen for plant to produce morphine.

We had guys in the FD that popped hot for opium in piss tests
Not a one did drugs, turned out to be the piss test was so sensitive it was picking up on poppy seed bagels if you ate more than a few of them. It happened to me, almost got fired. Others did,and some even got their jobs back after yrs of being fired.
That can be a thing. I have seen folks buy bulk seeds and make tea, and buy decorative poppy pods that are still loaded with O. Both can have levels of O in them. Pis tests that just test positive or negative are unreasonable.

The better ones will show how much in blood, but even then, it isn't the drug they are testing, it is the drugs metabolic breakdown components they measure for. Like the ashes of a cigarette
try eating some and playing golf…..best round of golf i ever played
It is (opiates) one of the best stress or anxiety removers ever. I always felt a slight excitement, then the balloon pops and the relaxation begins. Alone, I find it somewhat boring of a buzz. Lot of staring off sort of thing. Mixes most excellent with weed. Now we got some 😊.

Wait, I see you guys were talking mushrooms....whoops
No. I have done small ones in gallon pot in flower tent. They don't bloom like weed, based on shorter hours, it's just a timer like thing. Outdoors, they can get sizable with multiple heads. Lots of nitrogen later in life as dragon heads form. I used fish ferts. Takes nitrogen for plant to produce morphine.

Good info thanks. I am thinking having a serious pain reliever source may be a smart plan in prepping for the future of our country.

They likely opium seeds. That is what they use for spice purpose. The deluxe glass bottle of McCormick poppy seeds has a picture of a tasmanian poppy. White with a purple splotch on each petal.

I use that exact brand when I do it.
I tried growing them this year. Nothing.
Hatch some in root riot. Then you will know what to look for. Tiny, like a tiny two leaf palm tree. Very small and delicate. Watering must continue, despite hoses freezing up. You start around end of March or beginning of April. Then thin them out. Be sparing with seeds or you will have a carpet. One every square foot is good, they get big. I just continually think them, so you keep the best going. You will pitch tons of them thinning.

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