joe19406 said:ok listen. i'm joining the marines. my sergeant knows i smoked weed and he gave me niacin and some detox tea, you think that jello thing will work on a military drug test?
joe19406 said:i know people who take like 10 every few hours its fine just drink water
please stop put craps in this forum, you know it its not that true!joe19406 said:the best way to pass a drug test is not to do drugs, if you do just take niacin, start off with 3 every 4 hours, and then after you get used to it move up to 6 every 4 hours, and drink lots and lots of water, you will be clean in 2 daysbut you cant smoke
Roby420 said:one of the best thing out there is called " QUICK FIX "
it's fake urine it never fails, i used it at least 15 times!
betterman029 said:Bull ****, I was smoking about 9am, got the call to take the drug test, bought a package of jello, drank it all, ate, took a piss, then took a piss for the drug test. FAILED Positive for Marijuana, didnt work for me, maybe magic works differently for other people
joe19406 said:ok listen. i'm joining the marines. my sergeant knows i smoked weed and he gave me niacin and some detox tea, you think that jello thing will work on a military drug test?
Happy2Bme said:I have a urine test in 5 days, last smoked yesterday (Saturday). I have read many ways of "cleaning" your system for a clean piss test. about 3 yrs ago I applied for a county job and the day before the drug (piss) test, I drank a gallon of water and a gal of pickle juice (every hour, one glass of water, then one glass of pickle juice) plus 2 golden seal pills twice a day. I passed the test the next day. I really did not want to go threw that PICKLE JUICE experience again (BURNT LIKE HELL coming out) So, I got some sure jell today and 6 gal of water plus a bottle of niacin and golden seal and some green tea (tea bags) and cranberry juice! as u can tell, I am stressing :hairpull:! what the hell should I try? I need to know how much of each and when to take it. Test is on Friday, today is Sunday. Thanks all! This test is for employment, I stopped smoking on 4.21.08 (had to toke on 4.20, lol) and was clean until last week, I already did the drug test and interviews a month ago and since I start Sept 15th I figured I'd "congratulate" myself and smoked a j, every day for 5 days, stopped yesterday when I found out via email that the company is doing a second drug test due to current employees failing their drug tests ( go figure, that's why they are hiring now, LOL). Any info is appreciated. BTW, I am 5ft 2 200lbs NOT into exercising, and have been taking green tea diet pills for a week now. Does green tea work? Please help me out. peace out............ :hubba: Roberta/ Happy2Bme (not today, lol)
mistisrising said:I take a state parole test. It is the mother of all I have ever taken. It tests for THC/cannibiniods, methanphetamine, opiates (can tell the diff betw percocet and heroine and others), cocaine, pcp, benzos(xanax, valuim, etc), tranqs, mdma (close to meth), and other stuff I never heard of. Plus it tests for creatine and protien contents. I use a product called Herbal Clean Q tabs. They make others (Q carbo, the drink, and Q caps), and they work, but the Q tabs are the only ones that don't come up as a dilute (a violation). At one time they included instructions, but after what I think was some pressure, the box only contains the pills now. Here's how I use it.
Weight 180+, male
The first thing is you need to stop all toxin intake AT LEAST 60 hrs before the test. This is the most critical aspect of the process. Next, don't eat anything for six hours prior. You might eat a peice of fruit four hours before, if you can't wait that long, but keep it SMALL, a few bites. You need to start taking the pills an hour and a half before the test. Lets say you need to be there at 330. You would start at 200 with four (4) pills and sixteen ounces of water. Twenty minutes later (220) take three (3) more pills and sixteen more ounces of water. twenty minutes later (240) take the last three pills and sixteen more ounces of water. Twenty minutes after that you are clean (300), but I always wait an extra twenty or thirty minutes. I don't usually leave to go there till the hour goes by. You have to urinate as much as possible. I would've peed six or seven times through this process, although you don't get much until the last ten minutes or so. I might even try to sneak one in in the parking lot of the parole office. I have been on parole, taking this test since jan 02. I have failed many, but since adopting this product and technique (NO DEVIATIONS), I have only failed one. I used to landscape, and when I get home my piss is brown, so needless to say, I wasn't hydrated enough before the product. You should drink plenty of water throughout the day, because once you take this product, you can't drink anything else until you take your test. It even warns about drinking too much of anything besides water too close to product time.
Any other questions, just ask. I have seen herbal clean products online for as little as $11 a use. Check it out.
tuscani2005 said:ok **** the urine test. What about a saliva test?? i read up online and to some friends, all whom which to agree that thc is absent after 72 hours in the saliva. Any with first hand experience lemme know b/c this is much needed for career
umm you obviously have no clue what your talking about. you need to suck a fat onepapabeach1 said:please stop put craps in this forum, you know it its not that true!
papabeach1 said:smoked 3 blunts before I went to my Parole Office, passed with my methods, jelly pelican gels, it works, seem my method is alot easier?