Outdoor grow problems

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New Member
Jul 3, 2009
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Hi everyone...I am new to this forum and live in Canada
First off I have grown outdoors for many years and always got my
girls from a friend who grew indoors..unfortunately my buddy passed away
and I didn't have another source, finally another friend got me some
girls which I transplanted to cups because it was to early to go outside
After I planted outside about a month went by and there was very little noticeable difference in the plants growth...I checked for mites and found they were infested so I did the soap water spray thing twice...the plants started to grow better but now I notice that something is eating the leaves
small holes in them, I am not familiar with pests because I had no need to
be but now I need help...what should I do? Will I lose these plants? Should I spray them with something and if so what?
:welcome: to MP, I live in Canada also and I have to say its been the worst year for growing outdoors in my 10yrs of growing the weather has been just terrible! I've never had a problem with pest outdoors so my advice will be minimal, but I do know that in my area alot of people have problems with Tent Catipillars they eat everything, do you see any nest by your grow or see any bugs? If you could post some pics that would make it easier for someone to help out! I hope you get the problems under control I'd hate to see this year go to crap on you! Goodluck

ronluc, you can use sprays that are approved for fruits and veggies. Here is a video from Jorge Cervantes' "Ultimate Grow".

Change the x's to t's.


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