Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, and Ch Ching

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Wow! I thought you could ask questions here and open a dialog with others & learn new methods from a wide swath of growers. I will definitely think twice before posting any spam here with my dumb questions. does anybody know of another forum out there that is only policed by the MOD's?

BTW-sometimes there is something cool about seeing a newby ask a dumb question and get pointed in the right direction. I also like it when you see them later start posting pics of their garden that they have created on their own with the advice from of the helpful Senior Members here. Stay happy everybody and Google first then don't ask.
Peace:peace:& Love:heart: guys dont let the flame demons :evil::evil: infect you with unease and hate :hitchair:. For that leads to the dark side of the force and when you turn to the dark side of the force your plants will wither and die :shocked:. in the immortal words of everyone's favorite immortal Connor MacLeod "You only have one life! If you value it, go home!"
warning: do not try to match the PPM on FOXFARMS feeding schedule.

Its PPM is multiplied by .7 of the EC.
Most people use the multiple of .5 of the EC.

So the PPM range is 1/2 of what EC is on the feeding schedule.

I have used all six products in my soil grow. I have been following the feeding schedules. I only use soluable every other feeding and use the main ferts every feeding. No burn yet.

Soil Guide

Hydro Guide
yeah i use the main 3,just yesterday bought the cha ching.but i use the full schedule also.worked my way up tp full good too
I have "learned" many many things on this forum, like how to take a seed and make my meds. I just learned that people will argue on a "pot" forum(me) ,hmmm. I rely on both ways being disputed on this thread. I am lucky because I have been reading past threads on nutes and following new ones because I had some feeding ????'S. I actually use all fox f stuff so this is grreat. Alot of people (me) will not answer if they don't know the answer(duh) but everyone(me) will ask or can ask a dumb ? first without any research, on the forum or google. They (noobs,me) just want a quick answer which is good in the case of growing mj.
I use all of the FF products according to the recomendation on the feeding chart and have not had any burns or the such.
Thats because if they recommended it on the bottle and all these people then bought it and burned their plants they would most likely quickly go out of business. When in doubt read the manual lol. Or RTFM as they like to say in the computer world.
Now see was that hard?

Ive got at least 5 people that have answered my question...

BBB...MUch thanks on the feeding schedules and letting me know how you feed your plants. I have seen your grows and will definately follow your advice....... I have the feeding schedules posted in my growroom.

So that fact that I can use all 6 nutes is what I was looking for.....Thanks everyone for thier input....
New_2_Chronic said:
Now see was that hard?

Ive got at least 5 people that have answered my question...

BBB...MUch thanks on the feeding schedules and letting me know how you feed your plants. I have seen your grows and will definately follow your advice....... I have the feeding schedules posted in my growroom.

So that fact that I can use all 6 nutes is what I was looking for.....Thanks everyone for thier input....

Hey buddy I was just being kind buddy thats it... I hope I didn't offend you or anyone else ... I wish I coulda help ya but I am new at this growing my self... Any ways if I did I opologized buddy.. Good night.
New_2_Chronic said:
no probs here kgb.....youve been very helpful...
Thanks buddy... Have a relaxing night... I'll smoke a bowl for ya & Tater...
Man if you had looked at the links I posted they had that exact same information in it. Did you even click the links? I don't get it.
of really freaking people out I have a dumb question for the bandit or anyone who cares to answer. I to follow the bottles advice when mixing the food. The ? I have had and never really answered is how much FOOD(water,nutes) do you give your plants. As in do you feed in quarts, ounces, gallons and how often. The snow white I have now is getting fed daily and seems to love it.I feed her about a 1/4 gal.I know it has to do with your pot size and I use 10" pots for the most part. I fed my lr2's every other day and I have always wondered if I under fed them.
From looking at this thread, i am thinking i am underfeeding my plants...and i was just following the directions as i read them on the bottles.....just feeding weekly as recomended on the bottle.
If You Are Just Going To A Jack As S . Why Are You Bothering This Thread. I Was Interested In Chronics Question Too. Since Im New And This Is My First Grow, I Too Am Planing On Using O.s.,b.b., & C-c. So Any Pertinent Info Would Have Helped, All You Did Was Talk Smack. Quit Trying To Play Daddy To Every1.

Why Is This A Forum Sight ?, So People Can Ask Question's And Discuss There View's And Insight's. I Get Sick Of All You Buttheads That Think Just Because You Can Surf, You Know It All. Anyone Can Read A Book Or Instuctions , The Key Is How It Gets Interpreted, And Everybody Does That Different.

Sorry Guy's, Im In My 3rd Week Of Veg Right Now Using Earth Juice 3 Part ANd My Girls Are Doing Pretty Good. I, Too Am A Rookie. From Talking To Local Growers, These Flowering Add's Are Bomb... I Plan On Starting These As An Additive To My Ej At 1/2 Strength To Start This Next Week. Ill Start A New Thread When I Do And Tater Your Not Welcome Or Invited.
Roll :48: A Fatty For Me.

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