Not enough sunlight?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2008
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:watchplant: my seedlings look healthy (a little more than 30 of em) but they seem to be growing very slow this year...i am using a new spot in my woods just untill they get big enough to transplant but i feel like in the past at this point they were already being transplanted...are they not getting enough sunlight? or is it all just in my head lol :watchplant:
It could be a lot of different things. Do they get full sun all day?
Hey BigT don't forget we have had alot of cold mornings and nights. That could really slow things down if they are outside. The days are great but it was 38 at 10 this morning.
yea they do get pretty good sunlight but with all of the trees in the woods starting to fill in its not so direct all day long...thats is true godspeed, i was worried last week we had a light frost that scarred me but we made it through lol
mj wil survive a few light frosts, but the rootzone MUST remain thawed..
Hick said:
mj wil survive a few light frosts, but the rootzone MUST remain thawed..

I didn't realize that they could. This will be my first year growing outside.
a hard freeze may kill youngun's, but light frosts aren't absolute killers. Either spring nor in fall ;)
godspeedsuckah said:
I didn't realize that they could. This will be my first year growing outside.
:ciao:Last year was my first year growing outside ... it is a wonderful exprience ... you are going to love it! Indoors I can only let my plants get no more than 3ft tops ... but outside ... one of my ladies reached 6 ft!:banana::yay:

At first you have to keep your eyes peeled for bugs ... but once they get a certain age ... god are they beautiful ... :hubba:


wow beautiful plants hick...we are getting some rediculous rainstorms up here wht cant the weather just cooperate!!

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