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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
anyone else getting this message...when I come on site I like to click..."new posts" well past few days the vbulitin comes up says..."No Matches found"...yesturday I was able to click on "quik Links" and "todays posts" but today the same message comes up..
Maybe....Hick playing in ther again...

Hick.....BAck away from th keyboard :rofl:
No problem here 4u
Yeah I get that often when going through the new posts....I try and use quick links/today's posts instead.
I'm getting it to and I know it's not Low THC levels on this end.

I think it has something to do with IE 9 and vBulletin not talking to each other
It's happened to me for mOnths when I'm on my phone..
my firefox is working fine guys. :confused2:
All the time. I found a way around it. You must log out, go to the main site , then click marijuana forum, log in, then click new posts.

*On safari
Been like that for months on my end. I have no computer skills at all. So Im sure I cant fix mabey Daughter.
mine stopped working again and I run my cookie cleaner and it went back to working again
I tried cleearing cookies and hystory...still no good
Hick said:
my firefox is working fine guys. :confused2:

I don't know what would cause it. I updated all my .."stuff" this morning, and still got new posts okay.... :eek:

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