Night Stalker

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May 2, 2007
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i am trying to find a guide to growing my plants in the dark because someone i know had some purp that was grey and grew in the dark i just dont know how to get plants to thrive in the dark can anyone help me out i haven;t been growing long but if i could grow it under the house that would be alot better because right now i just grow it in the bushes because i stay with my dad so i cant grow inside or well duh and outside he would probally see it i use buckets and just move them inside when hes home but if anyone has successfully grown plants in the dark please tell me the steps it would be of great assistance
a plant needs light to grow man, the more the better. get on your bike and spend afew hours site hunting, youll come across more than you knew was there i bet.
yeah for real go drive somewear their are little place that you cant find a good place to grow outdoors within a hour drive i bet their is a place but all i have to do is walk like 150 yards throught my woods but yeah man i dont think plants will grow in the dark they need light to grow whoever told you that they grew in the dark was full of it its not possable
yeah i was pretty sure it needed light to grow through photosenthisis or however its spelled i was actually thinking about growing close to the river thats a few blocks away the only problem is that theres alot of people trafficing the area so thats not a good idea if i had a car i would drive somewhere bt i dont think that there is anywhere that noone goes where i can grow it because theres alot of kids around here and they surface through the woods all the time also i was wondering something i just started growing so im still newb at it i read the grow guide but scince i went to jail lost my job and have no money im doing this the old fashioned way lol i find a spot in the yard where there are worms and if i pick up the dirt i can smash it together or break it apart then i take a stick and put about 8 holes in the grounding droping one seed in each hole (points up) cover with about half inch of dirt put a little water on top (ow i almost forgot i soaked the seeds in water for about an hour) after a few days i see a plant about 3 to 4 inches high with 4 leaves on top now two of the leaves are rigged and the other two are not they make a diamond pattern with the rigged and not rigged apart from each other but the stem is purplish and fades as it goes towards the top i figure i just leave em alone (maybe trim the top after its been growing for 2 weeks so that it will grow more outwards then upwards) but anyway ill water every other day lightly and just keep an eye on them but i dont know how to tell if there is a problem with my plant also i was wondering how soon can i pick it and beable to get high (im not planning on picking anything but just curious) thanks for the help guys sorry its so long lol
nah its cool man i like readin long post lol but yeah i will be a while till they start buddin sorry to hear about the jail and job part i got busted last week stupid cops lol but yeah the bottom leaves are suppost to be circler and yeah once they get to the 5-6 node top them so they dont get so tall and has it been gettin cold outside cuz that might have caused the purple stem i know i started mine early and it got cold at night and it caused the stems on some of them to turn purple but hey their growing great now check out my grow if you want to see them peace out and if you need any thing eles just ask anyway you could get some pics man??

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