NFT any body??

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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2012
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tired of dirt!! wanting to try NFT in a 2x5 closet using 5x5 vinyl fence post for gutters and having a hard time deciding on 3 rows of gutter or 2??? and how many plants per 5 foot gutter????
I give up,,,ill take door number 2.😳
I give up,,,ill take door number 2.😳
What Is NFT Hydroponics?
NFT hydroponics is a method of soil-less cultivation where plant roots are suspended above a stream of continuously flowing nutrient solution that provides them with all the water, nutrients, and oxygen they need to sustain rapid, healthy plant growth.

The term “nutrient film” refers to the ideal situation of having a constant shallow stream of nutrient solution passing over the roots. This ensures that only the bottom part of the root mass will be submerged in the nutrient solution, while the upper part is left exposed to the humid environment created inside the growing chamber, thus providing the roots with an abundant supply of oxygen.

Providing plenty of oxygen to plant roots is one of the key concepts behind hydroponics. While plants need carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, their roots need oxygen to facilitate the absorption of nutrients. And when their roots have greater access to oxygen, plants grow faster.
from reading and studying hydroponics in books an on the web, seems less probmatic, and just appeals to me! only help ill have with any type hyro set up would be on here and basically figuring it out my self....
Looks like fun and sounds cool. Give it a shot. I just never seen anything as big as a marijuana plant grown in that fashion. All i have ever seen is small plants and herbs grown like that.
Is NFT the same thing as Aeroponic
not typically,..but some have cross bread the 2 with good results..... lost power for 30 hours in the big ice storm and thats got me 2nd guessing going full active lost hole room of seedlings if id been NFT'in or airoponic'in!! its always in the compromises ant it....
"NFT" nice I have actually done several nft grows I usually allowed 1 foot per plant
using vinyl guttering keep in mind the shallowness of the nutrient solution should
only be around 2mm deep ! I found it is good to add air stones to the res. tank.
Ive used photo period seeds and yields were ok I think it is more suited for clones and
autoflowers. too be honest but i love the concept. Ive been growing hydro for 20 years
and have experimented with it all that being said I m always looking for , learning, or even
inventing more efficient ways to grow thats the beauty of it !
Happy Growing!

"Hooked on Ponics works for me"
Hey what's wrong with dirt? Good old dirty ole dirt! I prefer to call it soil.

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