Thanks for the replies guys. Really appreciate it.
I will stick with the ground up egg / oyster shells for the little guys as a calcium / ph buffer.
How much greensand/azomite/glacial dust do you use pcduck, like 1tblsp per sq foot or so?
I am using shredded newspaper, I managed to get a box full of old newspaper and a paper shredder. But I'm not real fond of how it looks in the bin.. I'm interested in this peat based bedding you use Droopy. It looks so much cleaner when its a soilish type material instead of shredded newspaper. With time the shredded paper will break down, but by that then I will probly have to add more bedding and restart.
I checked in on the worms, and noticed a fairly large piece of brown cardboard I didn't remember puttings in there.. The little guys have been busy, I read about stashing food inside a paper bag / cardboard box to help reduce smells, allow it to decompose, ect.. And I had saved up some toilet paper rolls, I folded the ends over, filled them full of food scraps, put them together so they were nice little burrito's.. I put 3 of them in there. Needless to say, the food was all but gone, all that was left was the brown piece of cardboard

I searched around found another "burrito" it was half gone, half full of worms, inside and out.
I gave them 4-5 hand fulls of zucchini that I let "cook" for a day or two, I pre-mixed it with a little unfinished compost, I figured the dirty deed had been done, and there's actually more worms on the side of the box that I had used wheat straw compost for bedding. I can tell because there is wheat trying to grow -.- I shoulda hot composted that wheat straw.
Should I get it wet enough that lechate / water runs out the bottom?