The Simpsons Predicted Legal Weed In Canada

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11 times The Simpsons ‘predicted’ the future as Canada’s marijuana legalisation hinted at 13 years ago

Mel Evans Monday 22 Oct 2018 1:04

While Canadians toast their newfound freedom, it turns out that we should have all seen the news coming from a mile off.

In an old episode of The Simpsons, titled Midnight RX, dating back to 2005, Ned, Homer and Apu took a trip to Winnepeg where they found Ned’s freakishly convincing doppelgänger passing around a joint.

‘It’s legal here,’ boasted Canadian Ned, urging actual Ned to have a ‘puff on a reeferino’.

Naturally, Ned politely declined.

However, while we all had a giggle at the joi-diddely-oint, it reminded us there really is a lot this show has prophesied over its 20 year-plus history.

There are so many options, but we’ve nailed down the most WTF.

Lady Gaga at the Super Bowl.

Lady Gaga performed at the Super Bowl in 2017 in real life – that was after she performed a near-identical set on the Simpsons in 2012.

She even jumped from the roof of the stadium, just like in the program, albeit not with blazing boobs, but still we were shaken and stirred by the similarities.


While The show didn’t predict Ebola, per se, they did appear to predict the extent to which crisis that shook the world in 2014 would take hold, long before anyone really knew what the heck the condition was (you know, who weren’t part of the medical or science community, perhaps).

weren’t part of the medical or science community, perhaps). Back in a 1997 episode, called Lisa’s Sax, Marge is attempting to coax a sick Bart out of bed, thrusting a book in his face, clearly displayed to the viewer.

She suggests he reads: ‘Curious George and the Ebola Virus’.

‘I already did,’ Bart replied, as he pointed to a dire drawing on the wall showing a pile of dead bodies.

Probably more of a coincidence than anything, but it’s still pretty coincidental, right?

The Super Bowl result.

Away from Gaga and her performance, the show predicted the NFL champions three years in a row. Not even kidding.

In Lisa the Greek, a 1992 episode that was reworked in years following, Homer and Lisa bonded over sports as the brain of the family discovered a real knack for predicting the final result (ka-ching for homer) of American football games.

In the first episode, Lisa said that if the Washington Redskins defeat the Buffalo Bills in the Super Bowl, she would still love him. (This was Homer’s way of getting a result without actually asking, you know.)

Three days after the episode aired, Washington beat Buffalo 37-24.

You’d think they’d leave it there, however perhaps realising they were onto a good thing the show would go on to rework the teams in the show in 1993 and in 1994.

Two more times they correctly predicted the results with the Dallas Cowboys and the Buffalo Bills games.

Lisa went with Dallas – in 1993, Dallas won. As in 1994, as well.

Trump presidency.

Perhaps the most famous of all the Simpsons’ ‘predictions’ was Donald Trump’s ascension, and then booting from the White House.

In the episode Bart to the Future, Lisa becomes president after the Apprentice star and in the episode mentioned how he ruined the economy.

Look, we’re not saying anything – the show said it all.

Discovery of the Higgs boson particle.

Back before anyone really knew what the Higgs Boson was – don’t pretend you did – an 1998 episode of the show sort of figured it out.

Well Homer did, which is even more spellbinding.

In The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace, the head of the house put together an equation on a chalkboard which, if solved, according to science author Simon Singh, ‘you get the mass of a Higgs boson that’s only a bit larger than the nano-mass of a Higgs boson actually is’.

So while he wasn’t completely on the money, his equation was pretty darn close.

We’re not 100% sure what that means, because numbers, but many believe this went some of the way to figuring out the equation to create it before it was legit created with the Large Hadron Collider.

Disney’s takeover of Fox

Back in 1998, a quick scene in The Simpsons’ When You Dish Upon A Star showed 20th Century Fox as ‘a Division of Walt Disney Co.’

Nothing more than a laugh then, however in 2017, Disney was deep in talks to acquire much of the Fox empire, including the film and TV studio.

Did The Simpsons predict the takeover of their new overlords?

2010’s Boy Meets Curl episode saw Homer and Marge play in the mixed curling event in the Olympics. They eventually beat Sweden.

Earlier this year, the mens’ team in Pyeongchang took him a gold medal for defeating Sweden. A coinky-dink?

Maybe pundits think not and believe the show was able to forsee the Winter win.

Oil Thieves.

Lard of the Dance, a 1998 Season 10 episode, had Homer and Bart raid various grease joints for their sweet, oily goodness after the father discovers a potential vein of income.

While they’re not fruitful in their exploits, losing more money than Homer made by missing work at the Power Plant, oil bandits became a thing and made a much larger chunk of money.

In 2008, a decade later, Burger King was the site of 2500 gallons of grease worth over $6000 (£4.6k) taxed from opportunistic punters who may have taken notes from the show.

My god, you’re greasy…

Siegfried and Roy Tiger Attack
The tigers ‘fought back’ in 1993, during an episode titled $pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling).

In a fleeting scene, magicians in a Siegfried and Roy-like show, almost identical to the real deal, but called Gunter and Ernst, got attacked by their trustworthy tiger at Monty Burns’ casino (The Spruce Moose…get in).

Horribly, years later in 2003, Roy was attacked by one of their white tigers during a live performance in Las Vegas.

Luckily he survived his injuries, despite becoming partially paralysed, but the moment on The Simpsons also lives on.

Faulty Voting Machines.

Politics is hard to predict, however The Simpsons did it in another episode when they seemingly predicted the faulty voting machines that came to fruition during the 2012 elections, when votes cast for Barack Obama went to Mitt Romney.

Four years earlier in 2008, we saw it on the screen when Homer’s went to the voting booths to cast a vote for Obama, but his voice went to John McCain instead.

Horse Meat Scandal
In 1994, an episode titled Sweet Seymour Skinner’s Baadasssss Song, saw Lunch Lady Doris reaching into a barrel labelled ‘assorted horse parts’ and mixing them into the school’s lunch pot.

Grim in fiction, however it took a turn in reality when in 2013 it was reported traces of horse DNA was found in beef products across the UK.


The World Cup

While many thought it was a done deal Mexico would beat Portugal in the World Cup final, it wasn’t to be – which is where The Simpsons missed the mark with their previously-amazing predictions.

In making the episode in question is called The Cartridge Family, which aired 2 November, 1997, there’s no way showrunners could have received any hot tips that far back as to the 2018 World Cup.

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