looks good man, have you been able to sex?
without substituted light, just sitting on your window waiting for sunlight
"should" be fine.....for shortest period of time possible.the gals don`t like it,obviously.
before i started what i consider to be my "wealth of knoledge" grows, i tried lots of differing ways in which to create this wonderfull plant(i didn`t know you could only smoke the females!)
"I" used window light, with a little substituted cfl`s, although not enough lumens to be benneficial to the guys n` gals.I had seed from "bird seed" from the local store,this was due to one of my friends enlightening me with some knoledge on "Trill" bird feed.Yes it does contain "hemp" seed, however this has little or no THC content as this "hemp" seed is grown for it`s industrial uses. This has no smokeable content.(thanx for the info on this Hick)This is however a good way to begin, and lets you know what to expect from the real quality seed for free.It grows exactly the same as "normal" mj, but this method would let you get your tactics down before spending various amounts of hard earned cash,which on your first grow will probably be wasted.
anyway, sorry for hijackin` your thread there dude and yeah, plant should be fine "for the immediate future". Read,read,read. best advice i can give.
good luck man,keep us updated on your grow.
cheers:smoke1: :bong1: :smoke1: