Hi, This is my new grow wardrobe. I have some questions and would like some feedback from the pros. I have growen in the past with not bad results but I would like to make the best space possibly for my plants. My wardrobe meauserments are 6' hight 29" width and 19" depth. I cut the hight in 2 one for veg and one for flower the flower hight is 43" and the veg is 2'. The flower has a 430 watt HPS system with a bathroom exhuast fan that is 50 cfm and a 5" intake fan on the back wall for fresh air. The flower area stays at 84 deegrees, 75 with lights off. Still in the middle of putting mylar all around it. Does this sound good to anyone I heard you need it in the high 70's and that 90's is too much so I was woundering if i'm ok at 84, 75 with lights off. Still in the middle of putting mylare around the inside. In the small diagram the black squares are a square foot and the red lines are the shape and size of my wardrobe. I read that for 400 watt is 50,000 lumins is that too much for a 2'x2' space? or is there no such thing as too much. I wil be posting more pics when I'm done some time in january.