That's cool, I do believe you arrived just fine.I have lived in New York my whole life .I live in Long Island, more middle of the island .
The state is run by such despicable people . We have a AOC that was a better bartender than what she is doing now . THEY LET THUGS RAPE AND PILLAGE NEW YORK CITY. High taxes, high electric ,very crowded ,hunting is limited fishing is great ,great beaches but most are township pass needed and they close at dark. People need a lot of money to live. House taxes can be from 5k to a small house(me) to 18k to 80k in a real nice area close to and far from the city.I am a blue collar kind of guy . Hamptons and Montauk are real beautius ,expensive ,pack with city people who can be different . Long Island is beautiful but becoming a expensive place where the more affluent live and housing to have a place where the people who service them live . I grew up with bb guns ,hunting ,rifle club at school, working when I was old enough and able ( it was sooner than later)(Thank you Lord for my Father who made sure I did not grow up useless)( And my Mother who prevented my Father from killing me !!!) I grew up and knew it when it was great place .Some crime ,some gangs ,some drugs, and lots of high strung people !
Just lit up again and I forgot where I was going with this !