I am very fortunate. My starting PPM is 70. I use GH 3 part, and with my nuit mix, I end up with a 5.6-5.8 PH. The drift is upwards of 6.1-6.3, depending on strain and how long before I change out nuits, usually every 7-10 days.
When I top off my res with plain water, I add a little GH Micro (brown) to lower the PH. I havn't used PH up or down in over 5 years. I found that Micro will lower your PH.
PPM's. I really never go over 1200 during the entire grow. I run a lighter nuit mix then prob alot of folks, but I never have nuit issues.
Hydroton, man I don't miss it. But yea, you HAVE to rinse that stuff BIG TIME. I am sure Andy can answer better then I, but if you don't I am sure it will play hell with your PH and PPM's.