I kniow it is not journey to center of the earthClue 4
Looks close
I kniow it is not journey to center of the earthClue 4
Was Jack Black in the remakeClue 4
No sir.Mother jugs and speed?
No, sir.20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. Kirk Douglas
He's not listed in the credits.Was Jack Black in the remake
I had to look that up. I'd never seen the word before.Cybele?
My ex-wife was a Psycho.What Horror movie was this Big Hit
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Very close. Like my veins. I have very close veins.I kniow it is not journey to center of the earth
Looks close
I guess I've never seen the movie. I read the book when it came out. Looks like you nailed it.Ah, Rosemarys Baby
Ever had a Beautiful Philippina Girl Friend? They should make a Horror Movie out of that.My ex-wife was a Psycho.
Nope. Had a couple Korean 'girlfriends'. They 'roved me rong time'.Ever had a Beautiful Philippina Girl Friend? They should make a Horror Movie out of that.
cool hand luke?
But since you mentioned it...No sir.
Must have been a good while after I was there. Never even heard of that during my tour.Had several friends that got stationed in Korea. They said the first thing you did in a bar when a "gal" walked up to you and asked you to buy them a drink was to do a package check.
That's Captain Nemo. I don't remember the name of the movie.Clue 3.